praps yella's dreamin of a goat 'cos it's got horns he can tie to his disco so it can't run away while he "examines" it
just a wee word of caution. If you have the freelander commercial, the cubby box lid won't open properly once the armrest is fitted 'cos it hits the bulkhead behind. Depends whether you want an arm rest or a cubby hole. (You can just get the lid up enough to get some things in and out, about 3 inches or so)

I chose the arm rest over the cubby hole!
:cool: Go onto ebay & put freelander in the browser, then just keep looking, they have brand new one's from about 9 pounds in black or beige & you still keep the original tray lid underneath.
They are a genuine l/r part.
Can I fit a centre armrest console thingy in my 2000 (early shape) 3 door cos I want an arm rest too!!! :confused: But I want a grey un.
Indeed there are, been watchin' for a while. Almost always go fur 17-20+ quids. Biddin on wun misel so ands uff that un....reet!
LEVS REET I FITTED ONE AGES AGO 17SQUID ORFT FLEE BAY [BLACK LEFFER] oops caps lock on snigger, un easy fer most, earthlings could fit one, sniff. . . . porky used ta leen onit when he drove . . . . . .un now i have ta drive myself. . .sniff , parp !!!!!shorry bit upset
Thats just the armrest thing tho int it? I need the full bag o mashings cos Ive just got me handbrake under me elbow, nowt to put an armrest on!
LEVS REET I FITTED ONE AGES AGO 17SQUID ORFT FLEE BAY [BLACK LEFFER] oops caps lock on snigger, un easy fer most, earthlings could fit one, sniff. . . . porky used ta leen onit when he drove . . . . . .un now i have ta drive myself. . .sniff , parp !!!!!shorry bit upset

Hi Ming,

i have one but not fitted it yet. the instructions were not in the box. How do you fit them? do you just drill through the bottom of the current cover? I gather the new one just screws down on top.
Hi Ming,

i have one but not fitted it yet. the instructions were not in the box. How do you fit them? do you just drill through the bottom of the current cover? I gather the new one just screws down on top.
yer jist take the rubber linner orft the top ,open it un drill 4x pilot holes int lid ,fit arm rest on top un wiff 4x wood screws ta correct lenth +washers ,screw it on, job done. . . . .
yer jist take the rubber linner orft the top ,open it un drill 4x pilot holes int lid ,fit arm rest on top un wiff 4x wood screws ta correct lenth +washers ,screw it on, job done. . . . .

Thanks Ming, I will have a stab at it the weekend.

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