dya know sommat BD youre right i could have a freelander but then i wouldnt of been able to get to work that night and so it wouldnt have got flooded ! personally i reckon the rangey will work when its good an ready to work things are starting to come back to life with every drop of water thats extracted from it, still not lookin forward to putting everythin back together tho, takin it apart was easy but that was a few days ago and my memory aint wot it was..... sorry wot was this post about???

Twould be nice to think that when hers dried out everythin'll work proper agen. It jess might at that anorl. Hope for your sake it does. :)
had it not been wet i would suggest taking out the lock assembly and freeing up the motors in there, still with water in it, it will probably be shorting and not working correctly, but then there's two so it'd be the becm thats dodgy at a guess.

could try taking em apart anyway just to see!
had a quick look at the actuators today as wiv most things rangey so easy to get at, give em the old squirt of wd40 still no joy, i thik ill just pretend they work, forget all about em yeah thats wot ill do maybe theyll get fed up and start working again, drivers window did so who knows i think i'd be hacked off standin in water like that

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