dya know that hadnt occured to me !:rolleyes:

Hopefully yer jokin :eek:

Don't know much about Rangies but thinking about it I....
Do recall a friend of mine who's car only had central locking on the drivers door.

So I'm was assuming the central locking on yer Rangie used to work.
yeah, it was caught in a flood prior to wich every thing was fine, had the becm looked at the car is now running but im left with a few issues, the central locking on the rear doors, showing an airbag fault and unable to set the windows am thinking i might have to get the becm reconditioned but wanted to check everything else first
yeah, it was caught in a flood prior to wich every thing was fine, had the becm looked at the car is now running but im left with a few issues, the central locking on the rear doors, showing an airbag fault and unable to set the windows am thinking i might have to get the becm reconditioned but wanted to check everything else first

I have a Defender so I'm a bit shaky on central locking never mind a becm :eek:
If you had said it had worked fine before having been in a flood i might not have been so flipant.:eek:
Ckecking the wiring obviously won't cost you a penny but if a becm is what I think it is and has been damaged by getting wet, then that maybe a waste of time.:(
still if i had a defender i wouldnt have had as much fun stripping out the interior/electronics/soundproofing or carpets and spending hours trying to dry it all would i cos its a really enjoyable job and i wish i could do it every day but i can still look forward to trying to put it all back together oooo i cant wait to get started on that job oh hang on yes i just lost the will to live
still if i had a defender i wouldnt have had as much fun stripping out the interior/electronics/soundproofing or carpets and spending hours trying to dry it all would i cos its a really enjoyable job and i wish i could do it every day but i can still look forward to trying to put it all back together oooo i cant wait to get started on that job oh hang on yes i just lost the will to live

Wooa there, look on the bright side........... at least yerv not got a Freelander :D
dya know sommat BD youre right i could have a freelander but then i wouldnt of been able to get to work that night and so it wouldnt have got flooded ! personally i reckon the rangey will work when its good an ready to work things are starting to come back to life with every drop of water thats extracted from it, still not lookin forward to putting everythin back together tho, takin it apart was easy but that was a few days ago and my memory aint wot it was..... sorry wot was this post about???

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