
New Member
hi all, when refitting the battery all doors instantly when using fob, first click you hear the normal thud, 2nd click is very faint (not normal) and none of the doors open except the tailgate. the key will not open any doors,and the central locking switch does not work. only entry is through tailgate where i can open passenger doors from inside but drivers door will not open from inside. any ideas, thanks.
Very strange: Why was the battery disconnected/removed? Could the battery have been inadvertently connected wrong polarity during reconnection? Does the engine start at the moment? The reason why the key doesn't operate the door locks is probably because of siezure of the mechanism due to lack of use/lubrication for years as the cl fob has been used instead.
thanks dan, battery was removed to be recharged because a lot of electrics were not working eg. windows,sunroof,seats. all ok now. battery connections fine. engine starts fine and runs well. immobiliser works as well. door tries to open with key but lock button only goes halfway up. also have used key not too long ago and it worked fine. is it worth having a look inside the door or do you think its a electrical problem. thanks
If the button is moving half way it is probably not an electrical fault. I would look inside the door at the linkages.
If the button is moving half way it is probably not an electrical fault. I would look inside the door at the linkages.

Ditto, plenty of lubrication, and while you're in there lubricate the window mechanism cables. D..
right, managed to get door panel off and lubricated what i could (hard to access with closed door) and linkages look fine. made no difference. after reading other posts is it possible the latch is the problem. if so, would this affect the non-opening of the passenger doors? also the central locking switch makes a noise but does not work. thanks
I would now take off passenger side front door panel and operate the lock mechanism. This will show you what should be happening in the faulty lock mechanism. Then you should be able to identify where the fault lies! (hopefully)
ok, looked at the passenger door. it seems the only difference is when u pull the door handle (lever) on drivers door the linkage is moving, but not opening and is connected ok. is it possible the lock is knackered? also is it possible to remove the lock with door closed? and before i rip it out, would a defunct divers door lock cause the problems with the passenger doors. any help much appreciated.
Each door lock has two motors, one to lock/unlock and the other to superlock/unlock (superlocking stops you opening the doors from the inside ).When you press the unlock button on the fob it un-super locks all the doors and unlocks the drivers door. (moves 5 motors ) The second press on the fob unlocks the passenger doors (3 motors) so it won't make as louder clunk.
Looking on RAVE the tailgate only has a lock motor as it doesn't need superlocking because you cant open it from the inside. This motor has one wire to earth and the othe wire to the CCU so I don't know how it can lock and unlock. At a guess if the drivers door doesn't un-superlock on the first press ( cause its knackered) the CCU will think the second press on the fob is the first so won't open the passenger doors, but will have un-superlocked them enableing them to be opened from inside.Don't know why you can open the tailgate but it does seem to be wired different to the other doors. But this could be b****cks.
I seem to remewmber a thread about opening a door with a knackered lock. I think it was on the forum over a year ago, if you search you might find it. (Think it involved the use of an angle grinder !!!!!)

If you have the card off the door you should be able to unlatch the door by pushing something. Take the card of the other door and see what moves when it is working.
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