morning folks, I've got a shiney new power steering pump to fit today but I've a couple of questions if i may. In the haynes manual it says I need to get under the car and have it on axle stands to remove the pump, do I really or can i do it all from above. Also I'd like to replace all the fluid in the system so how do I drain all the old stuff out ? ta muchly.
I'm sure you've posted this already? Logic to me would say undo the lowest hose on the p/s steering system and let gravity do its thing? This is a job I have on my list... So any better suggestions welcome?
Hi I had same prob,if u look at fuse box there is a silver cylinder shaped selanoid type thing(not got a clue wot its called!)I replaced that with one from scrapyard and replaced the blown fuse and it worked fine after :)

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Hi I had same prob,if u look at fuse box there is a silver cylinder shaped selanoid type thing(not got a clue wot its called!)I replaced that with one from scrapyard and replaced the blown fuse and it worked fine after :)

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Hi mitch did you fix your fuse problem, can you be more especifict on the fix thanks
Sorry for late reply,Yeah it's sorted now, I was putting a new aerial in so had to move fuse board to one side and the silver solenoid (u can't miss it on fuse board it quite big)caught on bare metal and sparked! Didn't think much of it until I came to lock it and the central locking didn't work so checked fuses n one was blown so replaced and still didn't work and blown again so thought it must be the solenoid (I'm calling it a solenoid but I'm not really sure if that's wot it's called!)so replaced it with one from scrapyard and the central locking works fine now! So it's worth a try mate u can't miss it when looking at fuse box just pulls out :) hope that helps

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My TDI D1 immobiliser key fob locks doors and unlocks doors, as it should. However, now I push fob button, all doors lock, then a second later all doors unlock. It also has permanantly disconnected the fuel solenoid (but I bypassed that to get the engine working again). Can anyone explain why after 20 odd years the immobiliser immediately unlocks the doors again?

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