Best guy to ask is "Diskool" - he seems to know a bit about these. If yu find that you can :search:, you mite come across this. :D:D:D
I got a replacement 5 wire solonoid from Ebay and fitted it today. I can now lock and unlock the driver's door with key and/or the fob. But none of the other doors lock or unlock.
As far as I can see the microswitch on the back of the key barrel is working ok. I can see the plastic cam operating the switch and hear it click when I turn the key.

Anyone got any ideas. Would the microswitch being faulty stop the other doors locking and unlocking? Would a faulty solonoid on one of the other doors stop them all working?

I've been reading Rave while I wait for a reply :)
From what I can see there the microswitch is to do with the immobiliser not the central locking, so hopefully it's not that.
The only other thing I can see to check is fuse 4 in satellite 2, although I am sure I checked them all and they were all ok this started. The other thing I found in Rave was that if one of the other actuators is knackered then the other three should still work, it's hard to believe that they would all pack up together
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Well, I've checked the fuses again and they are all OK.
Does anyone know if the micro switch on the lock barrel effects the central locking, or is it just for the alarm?
I thought I ought to let you know the outcome of this...
The rain had been leaking in through the gap between the cover over the tailgate handle and the tailgate. It dripped down on to the central locking solonoid. When it got wet enough all five solonoids blew. I'm slowly replacing them as the come up on ebay at a sensible price, although I could just go down to Maplin and buy some of their cheepos
dont bother with Maplins ones i found they where a **** to fit properly and not worth there cheapness, only good thing was i could lock all doors from any lock thou!!
micro switch on door lock is for alarm/immobiliser system, centarl locking is worked thru linkage from latch to solenoid
dont bother with Maplins ones i found they where a **** to fit properly and not worth there cheapness, only good thing was i could lock all doors from any lock thou!!
I've got a bid in on ebay for a complete set of cheap ones. I only need two now though. My plan was to win the set at a silly low price, use the two I need and then sell the other bits as individual parts and make a bob or two...but may be I should just wait for two more proper Disco ones
There's not much in the slave actuators just a small electric motor with a cog that moves a nylon toothed track backwards and forwards, not much to go wrong other then the motor seizes up but a splash of WD will get it spinning again.

Its a micro switch built into the master actuator that controls the other four slave actuators plus also a small electric motor with a cog that moves a nylon toothed track backwards and forwards :)
Im sorry if this is irrelevant as I do own a 99 disco but I dont know a great deal about them(its used as a dog/shooting truck)But I had to get the rear sunroof sealed as it was leaking and causing the same problems as you are having(little black box in the roof was taking in moisture and shorting everything out)anyway ive never had any trouble since.
Sorry for the lack of but I'm sure somebody on here will tell you the name of the black box.

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