
New Member
Just after a bit of a point in the right direction, collected my disco 2 last night and all was well. It unlocked and locked fine. Went for some food on way home and when I pressed the unlock button the drivers door didn't work. So I used the key and got in. Drove home and the car locked fine. This morning it unlocked fine and I drove it to work. Come lunchtime same problem but this time it was drivers door and the rear passenger side door that didn't open.

So, before I start stripping door cards at the weekend and trying to see if there is any loose wires. Is there anything simple that I could look at?

Thanks in advance and apologies for this being my second post and asking for help already.....

Cheers Andy :)
Does that affect certain doors opening and not others? It locks them all every time just only opens some
Sounds like the central door activators are getting a bit lazy . Try pressing the fob button a 2rd time next time one fails to open this normally open the lazy one . It's a common fault it's always worth checking and cleaning any electric contact points
Mines does this at times. I find if I lock it again and then unlock the drivers door knob pops up OK. Doubt its the receiver as it wouldn't open any doors if it was In my opinion.

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