
New Member

The central locking on the drivers door and the rear passenger door (drivers side) locks fine with the 'plip'.

But when you unlock the car with the key fob only the near side and the rear door unlock. I have to unlock the drivers door with the key and then reach into the back if I want to unlock the rear off side passenger door

Any ideas whats going on her?

Freelander central locking is always going wrong. If you search there are hundreds of threads and fixes.
It's probably the actuator. As ianda12 says, search the forum and ye shall find.


Had a simular problem with my 03 plate TD4, the drivers door locked fine but when 'blipped' (remote key fob) didn't unlock, turned out to be the solinoid/actuator. its a sealed unit so unfortunatly its a case of take it out, bin it, and fit a new one. quite a fiddley job, not complex just annoying and time consuming, i got part frm scrap yard for £20 then spent 4 hours to fit it, beats £200 which garage quoted me thought.

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