
Active Member
After looking through most of the threads on here (sierraferry's explaination was golden).

I drive a 2002 (sept 2002 registered D2 TD5 auto) which did not come with the CDL but have fitted an early model (one CDL Switch) transfer box and it's only (apparently) got wiring for the V8 transfer box oil temp sensor. Hence it lights up the oil temp warning light when you stick lock it.

i am wondering one thing based on the below observation

The CDL light/switch is a switched earth, in my mind meaning it just completes a circuit to ground somewhere and that one side of the switch simply needs to be attached to a common earth to allow it to function.

Now.. lots of splicing and cutting of existing wires, is it simply a case of cutting into pin 39's wire (connector C0761) in the loom. if so.. what issues are there with simply running a new wire down to the transfer box switch and adding that to the plug/socket on the correct pin? (and earthing the other side somewhere else appropriate).

Then i dont have to cut anything, and have (hopefully) the CDL light, no temp sensor light and everyone's happy.
You can route a new wire from the switch and splice into the CDL warning lamp's path(BU wire) where ever you want, no probs, important is that the switched earth from the transfer box to reach the warning lamp circuit that's all
pin 39's wire (connector C0761) in the loom
just concentrate o identify the correct circuit cos C0761 doesnt have 39 pins, the CDL input is through pins 1-2 on this one, pin 39 is at C0047
Sorted.. means i dont have to cut and bodge, i will just attach a new wire in.

Now the fun part will be getting the new wire(s) through the bung in the chassis.. oh joy!

Quickly, is it possible to run this to pin 9 on C0506 (on the SLABS ecu itself) i should imagine it would be but always best to check

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