
New Member
So reading here showed me how to eject the magazine.
Found a cd stuck in the cd player.
Removed it.
Mag back in.
Still says CD ERROR - any ideas?
If u can eject the cd cassette with the push button then do that and re-arrange the cd's and replace the cassette also it' could b that the mechanism is no engaging with the cassette so eject and replace it a few times.. How did u remove the stuck cd from the player? take the player apart or was it that the cd cassette was stuck .
Ejected mag using the trick I found on this forum (credit card slid under mag).

Pulled cd out of played with needle nose pliers.

Green button flashes for a second and won't eject even an empty mag.

Tried putting mag in with just one cd - no joy.
The common prob is the cd mag dose no eject, therefore if a cd has remained after the mag has been ejected, ie one has been left behind, u may have damaged the player inside when trying to remove the cd with pliers .. usualy the cd playing returns back into the mag just before it ejects even after the credit card trick.. there's not much else u can do d i y with the player.
i know i might sound thick but when you have the cd mag out of the player have you pressed the green button this seems to realign the player always works on mine,then reload the mag,goodluck
I just did as you suggested and I now have my CD player back after more months than I can remember.

Damn genius.

Did you figure that out by tinkering or what.

Anyway, thanks again.:)

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