
New Member
AS a former cb radio user in the late 70-80,s what scope do they have now in the lr world,are they just for greenlaning or expeditions or do they fulfill other duties,just wondering.
Not a lot of people seem to use them like they use to for just general chatting and keeping in touch. Never really hear anyone on mine apart from the odd foreign lorry driver, but I find it an essential bit of kit when it comes to greenlaning and would not be without mine.
I agree with Adam makes life easier when it comes to laning, saves people getting in and out every 5 minutes everytime you need to save something
me and my mates travel in convoy every now and the and its great if your trying to get pictures of each others cars and stuff like that.
i got one and use it off road.saves ringing the moby all the time.

And it's legal to use when driving ;)

Good for when you got no phone signal too

Absolutely, there will almost always be someone on the other end of CH.9 or CH.19 if you need help. There's not always a phone signal in the more remote areas.

me and my mates travel in convoy every now and the and its great if your trying to get pictures of each others cars and stuff like that.

Again, perfectly legal to use whilst driving - big plus point.
Use mine all the time and listen out in case anyone needs help.
I also find it handy when out and about with my mates

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