
New Member
When istart green laning, hopefully next week or two , i was wondering if you all use cb's and if so was the best to go for?
Start with this:- CB Radio
As for where to get one; Maplins is cheap & not that great, but you can walk in & get off the shelf.
Better, try Knight CB, or Thunderpole, & I cant find the links to the other two I thought of! Communications Eleven? Google CB in the UK..... but read the article, tells you what to look for!
E bay has hundreds of CBs for cheaps, and some really good ones aswell. Go for something like a ROTEL, Midland, Harrier CBX, they are all good ones. When mounting your aerial don't mount it to high like the roof cuz of the low tree's etc.... the bumper or wing is a good place to mount it. You will need to swar your aerial in aswell, so will need a swar meter, this basically tunes the aerial into the CB or vice versa, you do this by ajusting the aerial length unless its a set length. It won't matter too much because the people your going to be talking to will be close by not at long distances.
I used to be well into CB ing. I had a Cobra and a Superstar with upper lower side band and all that malarky. 60 ft aerial in the back garden which if i remember rightly was an Antron fibre glass thing with a 1000watt burner LOL Me and my mate used to speak to people all over the world from sunny Birmingham.

As far as I am concerned MHM is right. Get something cheap that you won't mind getting hammered if it comes to it. There will be times when you chuck the mic in favour of a little more grip on the wheel!

You are talking to people within a mile or so usually (in fact usually within a few hundred yards) so range is not an issue however the post that said SWR is not too important for this reason is completely wrong.

SWR should be as close to 1:1 as possible, but; less that 3:1 is acceptable for laning. More than this means that power is being reflected back into the CB rather than being ttransmitted and can lead to a blown output transistor, rendering your output power to a mere 1/2 watt rather than the usual 4-5 watts.

A roof mounted antenna will increase the range, and in fact mine is a whip on a spring that is mounted to my roofrack on the disco and suffers no damage, just folding out of the way even if I go through a 7ft height restriction.

Hope this helps!
I've got a new Midland I bought about a year ago and it is nowhere near as good as my 1980's York set. If you want cheep but good get one of the older CB's off ebay for about £20. Look for the main makes and you can't go to far wrong, York . Harrier. Audioline, Midland. Fidelity, 80's radios far better noise filters.
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How do you know which channel to use? One of those says 22 is frequently used for Green Laning, but do you guys use your own? I guess it depends whether you only want to talk to your convoy or whether you want to communicate with others..?
I have a newish Midland, nothing wrong with it, but the Mic lead keeps breaking, so I carry a 12v soldering iron .. ;) Only thing I miss from way back is a scan button, though this isn't necessary when laning as we stick, mostly, to the same channel .. ;)
Channel selection is usually made on the day and may change if other peeps are on the same channel I tend to ch10 When we're out & about.
I have a newish Midland, nothing wrong with it, but the Mic lead keeps breaking, so I carry a 12v soldering iron .. ;) Only thing I miss from way back is a scan button, though this isn't necessary when laning as we stick, mostly, to the same channel .. ;)

Got a spare mic kicking around in the garage if you want it, father in law gave it to me after he took it out of one of his wagons :)
Thanks for the offer but it should be OK now .. ;)

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