Well I've got a cb in me Landy. Haven't got a clue what the frequencies are....it's got a display that goes from 1-40....and that's about as much as I, and I suspect 95% of cb users, know or care.

Pikey might have known off the top of his head cause he's a bit of a radio geek but most would've googled and posted the answer for you had they felt inclined to be nice. Which is exactly what Hifly did.

Hardly warrents a forum wide bollocking.

I could work out how many conversations have happened on how many different threads since you posted the question but I honestly can't be bothered.

Perhaps the lack of sparkling input is because you asked the question, had all the info handed to you on a plate but didn't respond for another 5 1/2 hrs?

Just a thought
If I'd felt inclined to be nice I might've suggested getting someone with a scanner to jot down the frequencies but when someone throws all their toys out the pram like that just for getting a Google link I can't be arsed to be inclined to be nice can I.. :D
I rest my case !!!
Too easy
Well least made £20 quid from bet with some other forum members!!
I was closest with 10 totally useless #### replies.
Will truly enjoy my pints when off base n not bored ****less watching out for something/anything.
Cheers :)
I wanna talk about CB radios. I sit at the end of my driveway all night waiting for someone to reply but no one ever does. What am I doing wrong? I have got the volume turned up, definitely!

it's turned on... but is it connected to the power ?:eek:
Lol stop, stop, the world he wants to get off

lz works and works fine, in fact server fees etc are paid by limited company as it's growth was beyond a hobby.

if landy zone doesn't work for you then feel free to try other forums
Lol stop, stop, the world he wants to get off

lz works and works fine, in fact server fees etc are paid by limited company as it's growth was beyond a hobby.

if landy zone doesn't work for you then feel free to try other forums

There are other forums? Why didn't someone tell me sooner?
I rest my case !!!
Too easy
Well least made £20 quid from bet with some other forum members!!
I was closest with 10 totally useless #### replies.
Will truly enjoy my pints when off base n not bored ****less watching out for something/anything.
Cheers :)

Are you Landygirl's secret forum friend then? He's not been outed yet, so who knows?:eek:
There is LRO I got a zero post ban lol
there is a forum which shirley and Nig are on their own.
there is a locking diff forum that moderates everything and flogs landrover parts.

but I recommend LandyTown for the best riveting discussion, excessive moderation and sensible conversation

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