
I'm going to install a CB radio on the Landy which will be useful when off roading with friends but i'm wondering if anyone actually uses it on the road? do you even turn it on or does it just sit there gathering dust? Is there any sort of channel most used by 4x4's?
I installed one about six months ago and have yet to use it. I generally turn it on when travelling but all you get is snippets of banal stupidity from drugged up teenagers and taxi drivers.

4x4 = 16
I installed one about six months ago and have yet to use it. I generally turn it on when travelling but all you get is snippets of banal stupidity from drugged up teenagers and taxi drivers.

4x4 = 16

I second that. I don't have a radio so I sometimes turn it on if I'm stuck in traffic but all you ever get is taxi drivers - every other word is swearing and you feel like an extra in shameless.
If you stick around channel 19 and listen in you might find some talk. Its in the centre of the the channels and tends to be the most popular... then branch off to another one if needed.

Haha, I've never thought of that before!
but it is very useful when green laning. It is like a lot of the kit we buy is only used rarely if ever - but we still buy them :).
Always flick mine on before heading onto the motorway. Lorry drivers are good at passing on problems
I'm going to install a CB radio on the Landy which will be useful when off roading with friends but i'm wondering if anyone actually uses it on the road? do you even turn it on or does it just sit there gathering dust? Is there any sort of channel most used by 4x4's?

Only had one once in 28 years of driving landies.

Back in the eighties when we were working in forestry work, the boss thought it would be good if we got cbs to keep in touch. We never used them for work stuff, but we really upset the local truckers and cb freaks by talking about what we were going to have for dinner and suchlike in made up radio speak! :eek::D So I got rid of it!
as I might have talked of before, there is a tuesday or wednesday night link up channel on 29 uk, linked around the world by repeater stations, but,
from mine, there usually nothing to listen too.
used to get polish during the better weather, must be over here,
and sometimes get foreign truckers on my eu bands but back of the box stuff.
I get more on my multi channel reciever from overhead planes on finals to heathrow or stansted on air channels, and boaty stuff on there channels..
but then I`m bang on the coast.
I have one, its in a box and i will fit it eventually. When I do itw ill be removable and I will only put it in for laning or longer trips. I wont have it in for running down to the tip etc lol
Do I use the CB?
10-4 good buddy. Big roger on that!

Mainly for laning, but have indeed listened to some inane drivel (have to drive up to one of the high spots near my local twenty), including a couple of wannabee DJs blocking the channel with their choice of music...
Back in the 70s when I were a lad, swearing was frowned upon, 19 or 14 were just channels to "get a copy" on, then one went to another channel to chat, not hog the breaking channel.

So, good numbers to you, catch you on the flip flop. 10-10 we gone.
I have a CB fitted in the Landy but really was a waste of time, fitted as 4x4 Response (another waste of time) wanted members to have a back up to mobile phones. It'll be coming out shortly. As a lorry driver it has it's limited uses in the cab, but it's not a vital piece of kit.
We are going down to the South of France in June with both Discoveries, and for contacts between the cars CB was the best option.

Most newer CB's have CTCSS (Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System) which lets you and other CB with the system only receive signals from each other. That cuts out a lot of the crap.

We've just bought a TTI TCB1100 radio and our son is going for the same one in his Disco, so it should make using the CB easier. The CTCSS can be turned off for normal operation.

We've just bought a TTI TCB1100 radio and our son is going for the same one in his Disco, so it should make using the CB easier. The CTCSS can be turned off for normal operation.

I've got one of those. I'd better read the manual as I had no idea it did that :)

Since fitting it I've heard absolutely nobody on it. Very different from the early 80's

Only got it for green laning but I've not been out with anyone that has one since!

I assume it's OK to just talk normally on it these days. While I was happy to give it all the jargon back when I was 18, I'm slightly more aware of how stupid I sound at 51 :)
use mine laning, used to have it switched on round and about, gave up on that, cos theres just a local nutter on there, on amature radio so talking to some guy miles away that I cant hear.

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