
New Member
Having a few problems with my antenna keep flopping down to the side and whipping other cars when return to the Tarmac. Anyone recommend the best mount ? I have a gutter bracket at the mo. cheers
Amazing first post. You can get quick release mounts for aerials. Have you got the 1.5m springer? If so get the smaller one as the springs a bit stiffer.
Ye I do have a 1.5. I plan to get a smaller one but the mount is a bit corroded as it is ally so I will also buy a mount. Just wondered what type other people use !! ?
Look on Ebay and get the one that mounts behine the spare wheel. Quick release from Maplin means some bastid can't nick it.

I have a large mag mount on mine with a 5/8 whip and its fine, but I have knocked it off when off road. But you just put it back on if that happens. Bought the mount in Maplins I think it was about a tenna.
Hole in roof with stud mount, directly above rear interior light for access, incredible SWR!
Nice one. I've been dreading putting it on the roof as I was expecting to drop the headlining. Its on the rear door at the mo,but want to move it as it nearly took someone out at a trial:)
If you remove the grab handles you can drop the sides a bit, remove the visors you can drop the front a bit etc etc, depends where you need to route the cable but there is actually quite a bit of airspace in certain places between roof and liner so it's not too bad a job.

Defo best place for an aerial as far as groundplane is concerned :)
Sorted peeps,

Got a mini stinger and remounted gutter mount on rear gutter beside my light and jubilee clipped them together. 👍
Put it to test on weekend. !

Anyone know about oil leak from front dif ? Not massive maybe a inch and half patch over 2 days ??

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