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Can anyone explain the above. Will this mean a new generation of CB radios maybe as good as the ones they have in America and other places, lot better reception and range etc. Also, will there be anybody operating the things 'cos all I get on my FM set around here is two old codgers talking about gardening, begonias, fuschias, bindweed, cabbages etc. etc..
The old AM CB's were and still illegal are over here in the UK.

The FM sets are the only ones that you are allowed to use legally.

The reasoning at the time was that the AM frequencies interfered with the emergency services communications, although there has never been any proof put forward either at the time or since.

In the U/S they use the greater range of AM for obvious reasons. However, over here the only ones who wanted to boost their power were the idiots with unmatched rigs, which gave us all a bad name.
They are not illegal if you get a ham operators licence
I think .
Well that's if you want to talk to the folk abroad.
Just bought one off the booty,paid a fiver.It's got am/fm hi/lo,so it goes 1-40 switch to high goes 40-80 same on am,thats all i know until later.
The reasoning at the time was that the AM frequencies interfered with the emergency services communications, although there has never been any proof put forward either at the time or since.

I beg to differ there, as a radio technician for the Home Office at the time, I did hear numerous instances of interference from the third harmonic of CB AM transmitters.

They are not illegal if you get a ham operators licence

The 10 metre amateur band (28-30 MHz) can be used by any licenced amateur using any transmission mode, CW/AM/FM/SSB/RTTY/Slow scan/Packet and so on.
The CB band is in the region of 27 MHz and therefore outside the amateur band, so it is unlawful for anyone to use anything other than FM in the UK at present, irrespective of their licence conditions.
I beg to differ there, as a radio technician for the Home Office at the time

A mate of mine around 79-80 was terrified of getting caught , so much so he'd park up transmit then move

Around midnight some of his friends knew where he'd be so stuck a blue disco light on top of the car, he was chatting away when they came round the corner

****, **** they're coming then silence , he shot off so they let him go

He'd only ripped the whole rig out and chucked it out of the window
Just a query. I've got a President Harry fitted in me motor, bought it off a guy on gumtree and he said it was working a-ok which for all intent and purpose it is. However someone recently mentioned to me that it could be a European one hence why I'm barely picking anything up here. I've had the occasional chatter but not a lot. I know the net is quite empty these days but is there any way I can tell if its European or UK? Ta muchly
My CB I just bought off Thunderpole has AM/FM, but as above doesn't seem to pick up anything. Tried it with a friends CB and mine was on ch8 and his ch37 and they were communicating, weird, put either to matching channels and nothing!
Just a query. I've got a President Harry fitted in me motor, bought it off a guy on gumtree and he said it was working a-ok which for all intent and purpose it is. However someone recently mentioned to me that it could be a European one hence why I'm barely picking anything up here. I've had the occasional chatter but not a lot. I know the net is quite empty these days but is there any way I can tell if its European or UK? Ta muchly

It'll have a stamp saying 27/80 on it.

AM is legal from July..
My CB I just bought off Thunderpole has AM/FM, but as above doesn't seem to pick up anything. Tried it with a friends CB and mine was on ch8 and his ch37 and they were communicating, weird, put either to matching channels and nothing!
Could yours be European too? Mine has am and fm and to a layman it would appear to be a UK set.
It'll have a stamp saying 27/80 on it.

AM is legal from July..
European will have the stamp? Or UK? I'll have a look at lunch. This is the set I've got
I have one of these;


Which has been opened up so can TX pretty much anywhere :cool:

I also have the mobile mounting bracket and it may just about fit into a 'Fender....

The problem you have with CB - both AM & FM -is that the band - 27Mhz is just about within the HF section of the spectrum. This is why all aerials are sooooo long and prone to snapping off when clobbered with a tree / hedge etc.

To use SSB, it's more than just switching to another channel, which is why stations can sound off frequency even if your both on the same channel.

I'm sure a senior ham-ist will correct me if I'm wrong, it's been a while since I played with my rigs or did my exam!

There will be a restriction on power, whatever mode you use, but people who don't know about how to get the best from their permitted power allowance will simply sling a sodding great amp on the rear end and blat through everything in sight.

Ofcom are powerless to do anything, so whilst a few will enjoy playing, it won't last long.
UK rigs have the stamp. dunno about Furran rigs. Bloody coming over here and taking up out waveband.. :mad: :D
I'll hae a look when I get the chance. definitely don't think its a eurotrash but I wanna make sure, I do pick up the odd bits and bobs. even if it is it'll work as of next month anyway. supposedly

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