
Active Member
CB Radio Aerial and Motorola GM UHF Antenna - Positioning?

Hey Everyone,
Just need some advice really. I'm getting a CB radio installed and going to install a CB mount on the back exactly the same as this in the pictures :

normal_random.jpg normal_random-3.jpgPhoto0140.jpg

Which is great - however, I also need to install one of these :


The issue i've got is the CB will go in absolutely fine - but I need to install a GM Motorola UHF Mobile Unit for work as we use these radio's, so i'm going to install the above mobile unit. If you can see in the picture above, it's got a magmount antenna -

Where can i install the magmount? ( i know you can put it on the front etc on the bonnet, but i don't want it there ) - ideally would like it on the back of the truck. Obviously you can see from the first 2 pictures, the black springer CB aerial on the back will be permanent - can i put an antenna on the other side? Do you think it will look too much?

Can i use a gutter mount? Would that look too much? Any help and advice would be extremely useful ( i just need both radio's in there - and no they can't be put on the same antenna etc, completely different ) need 2 antennas - the spring CB antenna is a definite - that's going in the top right hand corner and thats permanent and not moving

It's just the other one - any suggestions?
Thanks in advance as always
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