its mounted in place of the original ariel on the front wing. with no ground i got a reading of about 2.5. i thought the ground was good but i guess i was wrong. its all brand new kit, everything. its the midland 98, mentioned on this thread earlier. april package deal with the large springer. just a swr meter, not power, just has the fwd and ref settings.

just noticed i have been letting go of the transmit button between checking it on fwd and ref, would that matter?

i think i will try get a better ground and if that doesnt work i think i'll move it.

anyone with the same setup please let me know how u got on

i got the same package and deal as you with the big arial i mounted mine to the roofrack with no problems i got an swr meter from the same people just plug and play ive had no robles so far been it under trees the lot

have u left the swr meter in line or do u take it out ? ( ive left mine in ,then i can adjustit as and when ot touched it yet after set up

hope this helps
cheers defender110sv. i take mine out, or will when its working!, one less thing to mount and get in my way. what do you mean adjust it? adjust what? the ariel u mean?

been settin up the nursery :eek: so havnt had a chance to take a look yet but im thinking i could put a bracket on the rear bumper and mount it down there, bit protected that way as well, anyone done that? any problems with the swr?

sorry for the 20 questions guys!
i have mine on the rear bumper - SWR aint as good as it could be - and range is limited to a mile or 2 - good enough for laning tho.
cheers MHM i think i'll give it a go. have noticed that it always seems to be worse with the ground plane connected! cant work it out. fooking thing
not required, it's the Faraday (spelling?) effect, ie the proximity of the *ground plane* that counts. Obviously a earth at the aeriel isn't going to cause problems, it can only do good, but it's not essential like is being made out, providing the coax connectors are soldered on correctly.
you'll also find that peole with mag-mounts will put a piece of plastic or cloth under them (if they hav e a posh car!) then the paint doesn't get damaged.
have u left the swr meter in line or do u take it out ? ( ive left mine in ,then i can adjustit as and when ot touched it yet after set up

hope this helps
Adjust what?? An SWR meter is just that, a meter, ie a measuring devise, it doesn't adjust anything, and should not be left in the system once no longer being used.
On the mag mount the sheild/braid of the coax fits to the metal body inc the magnet on the other types that fit through the roof yes inside you will have to make a good earth for metal to metal contact otherwise your only using the centre core of the pl259.

A dipole uses 2x poles inner and outer of coax this antenna uses the whip and the car body.:)

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