
It's not broken!
Any suggestions for a CB channel we can all tune to? Might be handy on the way there (truck problems, good bacon butty stop etc), and I use mine so little I'm not sure what a useful channel would be. Last time out we used 7, but happy if anyone has a better suggestion.
Just fitting my new TCB1100 into the Discovery. Decided on mounting it on the bracket supplied down on the passenger side of the centre console.

The power lead supplied has been taken off and a new decent length of cable fitted.

The Thunderpole aerial is mounted on the face of the body above the driver's side rear light, cable going through an existing blanked off hole in the inner body shell, under the trim and down to the front.

Not sure where I'm picking up power yet, I've already got satnav in the ciggie lighter, so may put the plug on and use the 12V socket at the back on the n's.

All fairly straightforward, only real issue is getting a decent earth on the aerial mount, but have sorted that out.

do you use breaker breaker any more,
or just shout,
WTF`s on air today :)

my call sign is easy,
its EASYE.... not hard is it..lol
Mostly tards on cb unless laning or few truckers
Got ours wired and running, nothing particular going on, but haven't worked out all the bells & whistles yet.

Looks tidy, I'll get some pictures of the bits & pieces later.

Got ours wired and running, nothing particular going on, but haven't worked out all the bells & whistles yet.

Looks tidy, I'll get some pictures of the bits & pieces later.


TBH, theres nothing much our way most of the time, except the channel 29 repeater stations on a wednesday I believe...
linked up worldwide :rolleyes: via the wonders of the interweb...

now, this link may be beyond you for the moment,
but over time anyone may find it useful

CB Radio Frequency listings and Amateur Radio Repeater Frequencies - Coastal Communications UK

in the first chart it has both the UK 40 chanels, plus the EU 40 chanels.
on my cb it has both which is handy if another person has a same cb, and heavens above, our UK 40 chanels are "busy" we then get a choice to go to a lower set of radio frequencies clearer of babble..
but dont let it worry you if you only have the most used set of chanels or "frequencies)

as more landie types get on the roads heading to the great LZ jamboree :)
the more chat will become apparent...

except, most will have just 40 chanels - 1000`s going = a bit of a mess.........lol
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Copy of my post to our own Forum:

While everyone else is off on their long weekend break, I've been catching up with a few jobs on the Discovery in preparation for our trip to Holland and France in June.

CB radio is a bit old hat now, but modern equipment is still useful if you have two vehicles in convoy that get separated, or in our case when one is slower and larger than the other so the smaller one can go ahead and scout the route.

We have fitted a TTI TCB1100 radio, nothing super-special but it has all of the European bands as well as the UK, so legal wherever we go:

The aerial was a bit of a faff to fit, but I took advantage of the double cavity at the back of the body and installed the aerial base just above the o/s rear light, that enabled me to get my hands behind the panel and connect up. There is also a blanked off existing hole in the inner bodyshell wall that I popped the cable through.



The radio is mounted on the side of the centre console, well out of the way of Rita's knees and legs but still within reach for me. The microphone bracket is screwed to the front of the ashtray, which I don't use, and I have a spare one for when the CB isn't is the car.


You can see how well tucked away it is, Rita is well clear of it when she is sitting normally in the passenger seat.


While that was all going on, I wanted to try out the rear view camera screen mount that I made a week ago. Haven't had time to try it out 'for real'.

I bought two mounts and didn't like either, but as they both used the same sucker and mounting, I modified one to suit what I needed and put the other on one side as a spare. The actual monitor 'grips' I haven't used.

Once up on the windscreen, the screen was angled too low for viewing, so I dismantled the mechanism again and removed some plastic where it would do the most good, that gave me a much better viewing angle.



With the car parked in front of the trailer, the picture is very good and remains so up to 30ft away.

The bit of plastic that I removed is marked on this picture, it allows the bottom arm to swivel up by another 10 degrees or so. I also chamfered the edge where the piston cap meets the arm.


Note that the rear view camera is for our big trailer/RV, it gives us a very good view directly behind to middle distance.

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yup, seems very well covered mate..
my ariel is a small magmount thats on the roof just behind a roof rail cross bar, with 2 cable ties keeping it there, with the ariel wire running along the roof rail (cable tied) then down through the top of the door seal rubber...its not perfect, but then nor am I :)
the 40 + 40 cb is opposite from yours in my footwell, and its out of my way also.
power supply is via hard wired and fused into the ignition source.
have been looking at those rear view tellies, but think I`m being about silly about needing one really- only tow a small`ish box trailor, but good luck for anyone who has a real use of one..
so, enjoy your freedom mate..
have been looking at those rear view tellies, but think I`m being about silly about needing one really- only tow a small`ish box trailor, but good luck for anyone who has a real use of one..
so, enjoy your freedom mate..

With the standard mirrors we get quite a good rear view, but always felt that something better was needed, especially in traffic or to see if a Police car has sneaked up behind....

We've fitted two cameras but only one feed. One camera for the UK and the other camera on the other side for Europe. Both feed a transmitter inside the trailer front and the receiver is in a plastic box inside the Disco. Nearly 30ft range, 2.4gHz frequency.

Swap them over when needed, they are about 200mm in from each side.




Fitting mine tomorrow, it's my 4th one this year as keep breaking them, also got a gutter mount ariel so I don't have to stick it in spare wheel where it was last time I was out with you guys.
Fitting mine tomorrow, it's my 4th one this year as keep breaking them, also got a gutter mount ariel so I don't have to stick it in spare wheel where it was last time I was out with you guys.

Given up throwing it in the back then? :p

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