Hi guys, about to fit my cb into the discovery, and I understand the best place is center of roof, now I was thinking of getting the thunderpole orbitor as the distance would be handy...

But what I'm worried about is height for green laning? Would I need to get a smaller one and live with having less range?

Any help much appreciated!
I have the same springer on mine and never had an issue while laning. Mines on a gutter mount by the 'B' pillar but will be moving to the light bar as soon as it's fitted.

Nothing to stop you swapping to a mini springer when you're laning as you don't need any range if you're just talking to the people you're laning with. Only thing you'll need is an SWR meter to check each time you swap but they're only a couple of quid.
Mine got ripped off the roof while laning so mounted it on the winch bumper on the front works perfect
Mines mounted on the roof on a light bar, same as 5 other landys I went out laning with, mine was the only one to survive! :D

Think the best place is on your bumper for protection as v8 man said, but it would annoy me there flopping about I front of me.

I have thought about putting mine behind the light bar so the bar acts as a shield to the bottom vulnerable part of the antenna.
The part above the spring on the antenna can bend right back no problem. So in theory a large one would be fine, would just flop about a lot more.

Or have a long one for road use and short one for laning, you'll only need a short range when laning.
it'll be ****e on the bumper. range will be crap & the interference from the engine electrics, will be awful. mount it on the rear gutter. the roof line will protect the spring, and the whip will bend flat if needed.

I've never lost an aerial whilst laning.. and always had em mounted there.
it'll be ****e on the bumper. range will be crap & the interference from the engine electrics, will be awful. mount it on the rear gutter. the roof line will protect the spring, and the whip will bend flat if needed.

I've never lost an aerial whilst laning.. and always had em mounted there.

Spot on! Thank you :D what antenna do you use?
it'll be ****e on the bumper. range will be crap & the interference from the engine electrics, will be awful. mount it on the rear gutter. the roof line will protect the spring, and the whip will bend flat if needed.

I've never lost an aerial whilst laning.. and always had em mounted there.
Sorry matey your wrong there, didnt you read my post mines on the front bumper and works perfectly, no interference at all, the spring on mine got caught in a thick branch and ripped it out of the magmount
Pikeys idea of antenna on the back is good, seen a few defenders with them there, and the roof protects it as he said, plus it's up higher than the bumper so would get a good range.
it'll be ****e on the bumper. range will be crap & the interference from the engine electrics, will be awful. mount it on the rear gutter. the roof line will protect the spring, and the whip will bend flat if needed.

I've never lost an aerial whilst laning.. and always had em mounted there.

Who do you get to fit em up there for you ? :p :D
I've got the same ariel for mine. I have mine on a light bar and never had any issues whilst laning, it gets a twang when I got under trees but nothing to cause concern. Other things Ive seen is a mag mount behind the light bar to offer a bt more protection with it cable tied to the light bar.

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