I'm not special I'm limited edition
Hi Ratty, in a perfect world I would agree, but it isn't. The anti 4x4 groups wouldn't care the you were a 4x4 owner reporting someone for taking the ****, all they would be hearing is another 4x4 not keeping to the rules, let's close some more byways. So reporting things and things and thinking your going to get some kind of thanks for being a responsible 4x4 owner, well I wouldn't hold your breath.
Hi Kris. Long time no see. Hope yer keeping ok?
There are always gonna be different views on hings like this. We've had a fair few differences of opinion on the subject on this thread alone.
Now imagine a similar thread on a ramblers forum. You are gonna get the die hard 'ban all 4x4' types. You are also gonna have the 'I don't mnd 4x4 drivers as long as they are responsible' types.
My personal view on this subject is that nobody is right and nobody is wrong. The fact the 4x4 had it's number plates removed means he was hiding something. For all we know he could've been there burying a body. If you are an 18 stone marshal arts giant wiv a shotgun and uzi 9mm stuffed in yer back pocket you won't mind speaking to em face to face. If yer a walking chopstick you might like to get the police to do it for you.