
Active Member
This will be our first trip of the year.
Setting off either the first or second week in May 2016,I have Vibraction road book 4,so we will be following this route.
It's all in French,but you can get an idea of the route.
We are planning to do it in 5 to 6 days,with wild camping,camp sites & probably a hotel or 2 for SWMBO. :unsure:
As we live in France,we will be heading south from where we are based, down the A75 so that we can do the Millau,something I have always wanted to see.
If anyone is interested in tagging along,for some of the route,or all of it,you would be more than welcome.
Sorry, am unable to join you in May. But feel free to join us in June if you're available.
Nice to see that you are using the excellent 'vibraction' route books.
What does SWMBO stand for? I can get as far as 'some where' but then I run out intelligence.
Sorry, am unable to join you in May. But feel free to join us in June if you're available.
Nice to see that you are using the excellent 'vibraction' route books.
What does SWMBO stand for? I can get as far as 'some where' but then I run out intelligence.
She who must be obeyed SWMBO, the wife, the ball and chain, her indoors, better/worst half. Got it? :confused::)
The vibraction website looks great.
You must be a decent way from the Millau viaduct otherwise you would have been over it before. Your link to vibraction doesn't work for me, so I don't know your route. But, if you are spending a bit of time in Catalonia, 5 to 6 days sounds a bit fast. Carcassonne is worth visiting, especially in the evening when the old town is lit up.
Hi AI203
Yes we are about 4 to 5 hours from Millau.
We have been to the Pyrenees plenty of times before,Val d' Arran,Smugglers,pass Andorra etc,but never been over towards the Med coast.
Done Carcasson aswell.
Vibraction RB 4 says the route in 650kms & takes around 4 days,
If you google Vibraction,you should get to their main website with all of their routes.
I did the Vibraction Road Book 5 a couple of year back on a KTM 950, it was a great route and I'd love to do it again on a bike or in a landy. One day.....

Have a great trip, take the camera!!
Expect views like this





Hi AI203
Yes we are about 4 to 5 hours from Millau.
We have been to the Pyrenees plenty of times before,Val d' Arran,Smugglers,pass Andorra etc,but never been over towards the Med coast.
Done Carcasson aswell.
Vibraction RB 4 says the route in 650kms & takes around 4 days,
If you google Vibraction,you should get to their main website with all of their routes.

I had a quick look, via google, at that web site last night. Looks great, but I take it you speak/read French :) I'll have another look at it though.
We were down there last year. Carcassonne, over the Pyrenees past Andorra to Puigcerda, travelled West as far as Zaragoza, headed North via Ayerbe and crossed the Pyrenees again at the Pto de Somport, then back up through France. Did it in a Mondeo estate though! A lot smoother than a Defender 90 ;)
Having lived here in France for 12 years now,the language is not a problem.
The roadbooks are all in French,but very pictoral,so easy to understand.
A mondeo may be smoother than a Defender,but you don't get to see views like this.
1432990355719.jpg 1432990355827.jpg
You're dead right there. Great pictures :)
When I get the rebuild finished and if I can get it running again.......... But it's a long way to the Pyrenees from here in a 90!
Was that last photo taken in the Badenas Reales?
We went there last year,though I was a bit disapointed with it,a bit flat and reliefless.Maybee we have been spoilt with all the mountains.

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