wonder how long a parked landie takes to be damaged,
catches fire,
or reguarly needs puntured tyres repaired.

two sides to a coin,
but car dealers see only there side, not yours,
and most are "not nice people"

True but if they're threatening him he can do plenty!

Police must intervene if he's being threatened
before this gets out of hand the guy is being harrassed because of a dealers mistake he should go to police report what has happened and log it with them. Then any problems he has at least got it reported. Plus if dealer keeps harrasing him tell them every phone call will have an admin charge of x. Then if they phone record and log time and charge for your time. It has been done and they guy got a payout threw courts.
As said fook the dealer and next time ya speak to em just tell em straight. you bought it. You deal with it. Cat D is usually minor damage anyway Usually broken locks, scratched paintwork etc etc. or the car has been recovered after the insurance has already paid out

The garage have asked for £1500 to cover the money they have lost on the vehicle but told them its tough! They got more and more irate and said that I am responsible and its money I owe them. Told them tough but its their fault and I will take this up with my solicitor. Think I might tell the local police tomorrow just to give them the heads up!
I also said if the first HPI check came back clear you should ask them for the £1500 as they have ####ed up ( obviously he didn't as I'm fairly sure an HPI check cant be wrong!)

The garage have asked for £1500 to cover the money they have lost on the vehicle but told them its tough! They got more and more irate and said that I am responsible and its money I owe them. Told them tough but its their fault and I will take this up with my solicitor. Think I might tell the local police tomorrow just to give them the heads up!

make sure you do tell the police and get a log number or whatever it's called.;)
Not down to you, make sure you tell him that! Any further correspondance should be put in writting and directed to your solictor, give him the name and address of your appointed solictor. He has no right, or a foot to stand on asking you for money. If he HPI checked it they will refund him the money, but I think they didn't check, there problem not yours. Have you got a reciept for the new landy? Thats all you legally need to apply for a log book, they don't have to send there bit off for you to prove you own it.
I also said if the first HPI check came back clear you should ask them for the £1500 as they have ####ed up ( obviously he didn't as I'm fairly sure an HPI check cant be wrong!)

+1 on notify police on the call plus the hpi check was clear you did your part. Make sure you keep copies and records of all calls
Not down to you, make sure you tell him that! Any further correspondance should be put in writting and directed to your solictor, give him the name and address of your appointed solictor. He has no right, or a foot to stand on asking you for money. If he HPI checked it they will refund him the money, but I think they didn't check, there problem not yours. Have you got a reciept for the new landy? Thats all you legally need to apply for a log book, they don't have to send there bit off for you to prove you own it.

and also has the op hpi checked the fender?
Save your breath all the police will do is go round an take statements . Not worth the paper it's written on an with all the cut backs it may take them a week to walk there :D

Tell the garage to go f**k themselves
Or it won't be the only cat-D fire damaged car they own
Tell them their Forecourt could end up hotter then a week in Africa :lol:
Save your breath all the police will do is go round an take statements . Not worth the paper it's written on an with all the cut backs it may take them a week to walk there :D

Tell the garage to go f**k themselves
Or it won't be the only cat-D fire damaged car they own
Tell them their Forecourt could end up hotter then a week in Africa :lol:

ohhh wouldent do that.
I got arrested once for "making threats" or some such ****e,
took me 6 months to get it all stopped ;)

its an easy nick if you go round gobbing off your going to do such and such, only the nicking will be you!
get it sorted legally, then just fookin smirk at `em..
ohhh wouldent do that.
I got arrested once for "making threats" or some such ****e,
took me 6 months to get it all stopped ;)

its an easy nick if you go round gobbing off your going to do such and such, only the nicking will be you!
get it sorted legally, then just fookin smirk at `em..

Its not a threat it's a promise ;) :)

No but on a serious note its not a threat it's a mare wether warning just advising him/them it could get very warm round his area :D ;)
I am in the trade and if he HPI'd the car the first time and it came up clear then he needs to make a claim through HPI but it sounds to me he did not HPI it until someone went to buy it from him...oops his fault I am afraid, and the simplest and safest solution is to pay a solicitor a few pounds to just pen a letter on your behalf and send it recorded stating that the problem is theirs etc and to stop harassing you or further action will be taken... Once they have signed for it they should then leave you alone.

Just a quick question did your insurance not inform you that you were insuring a cat d. And also on the bottom of the log book it should have stated it was a cat d and when it had its vosa inspection to prove its still road worthy....
The last one I saw had it all over the bottom of log book.... Maybe it's a recent thing but definitely had it on logbook! But obviously I steer clear of them and as he should have done, HPI it before taking it as part ex!!
I am in the trade and if he HPI'd the car the first time and it came up clear then he needs to make a claim through HPI but it sounds to me he did not HPI it until someone went to buy it from him...oops his fault I am afraid, and the simplest and safest solution is to pay a solicitor a few pounds to just pen a letter on your behalf and send it recorded stating that the problem is theirs etc and to stop harassing you or further action will be taken... Once they have signed for it they should then leave you alone.

Just a quick question did your insurance not inform you that you were insuring a cat d. And also on the bottom of the log book it should have stated it was a cat d and when it had its vosa inspection to prove its still road worthy....

No, the insurance never said anything and there was nothing on the V5 log book either. It looked very clean and I would never have guessed it had any damage at all, hence why I bought it.

Think a solicitors letter is a good idea.

Thanks for your help

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