
Active Member
I've had my eye on this for years because its just down the road from my in-laws place but never had the balls to give it a go.

It's deeper than normal so did a quick recce using my wellies as a depth tester... two wet feet. But it was either go through or reverse a mile back up the road.

It felt like it was drifting slightly and perhaps a bit too deep but didn't seem to struggle!

That's a bit over the FL1 maximum wading depth and you need to go slower next time as mentioned above. ;)
As they said ^ up there ...

Like that ford and the others at West acre, but I think they're TRO'd now ... Is the step up at the exit still as bad as it used to be?
Yeah I knew it was going a bit quick but by then it would have been worse to slow and let the wave overtake.

That Ford is still open as far as I'm aware. Nothing on the interactive map and all signage still points toward it being open. 'Ford - Deep water' rather than no access to motor vehicles.

Yes, breather extensions in place.
Step is bad on the side I entered, wouldn't have made it out that side but only 6 inches max. on the side I came out of.
Have got a video but the upload limit is more than they allow. May stick it on YouTube later on.

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That's just showing off...

But I agree, had a few short ones there before getting married in the Church opposite not long ago.
Have got a video but the upload limit is more than they allow. May stick it on YouTube later on.

The video gives a better representation of the speed over the preview at the top. I keep clear of water that deep as I can't be bothered to repair damage like angry oil seals etc but I would have gone through at the same speed you did if I were to go through it. Yer pushing a lot of water out the way and it's on a small stone/pebble base so yer need to keep the power on to keep all 4 wheels powered and keep momentum going, but not too much power. Not all will agree but watch the front wheel. Bit of spin when submerged due to the base stones being wet. It just goes to show how much power is transferred, lost, and needed to shift that amount of water. I would have worn arm bands anorl.
To continue my habit of reviving old threads - first attempted this in my 110 on 285/75/16’s, standard height, and HD springs a few months ago on a solo night run (on route down to wales). That, and the 2 fords to the NE of the TRO’d west acre lane, got to the top of the headlights even when done slowly (nervy despite snorkel).

In my opinion they’re deeper than Scunthorpe mill. Castle acre now has big broken bits in the ramp but easily doable as can skirt that bit.

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