iv got a 1998 110 comersal and want to fit some cargo tracking in the bed it has some metal strips riveted to the floor im guesing thease are to protect the floor when the back is loaded there looking pritty messey so was wondering wheather it would be a good idea to drill out the rivets and replace thease with the cargo track. also should i fit a load bed mat or liner before putting the tracking down and use the track to sdndwich the mat to the floor
many thanks
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Do you mean unwin type tracking ?, raised or sunken type ?
If its raised type , then you risk damaging the tracking and it will concentrate the load on small area. The strips on the floor are to protect the aluminium floor as ally is quite soft and damages easily A lot depends on what type of cargo you intend moving .
its the raisd type tracking i was looking at from mud stuff its mainley going to be for securing boxes of paperwork lighht equipment etc for work and for straping down the mountain bikes at weekends so the flexerbul fixing points appeal plan was to start with 2 posubley 3 strps replacing the strips that are curantley there
Hi, had a look at their site , thats Unwin tracking , as used in ambulances etc for securing wheelchairs , and quick remove seats etc . Its good stuff, but problem is with raised type is you lose a flat floor, which can be a problem when you want to move flat bottomed items . Dont foregt to fit spreader plates under floor , as you are only bolting to ali.
fitting discreet lashing eyes would be easer but with the lange of items im likley to be moving difrent sized boxes, bikes, flight cases etc the flexability of the tracking seams worth the extra work having had another look i think i might have to do the traler board thing or get a metal bed liner and fit it that way as access under the strips seams limited for nuts etc

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