
New Member
Hi, I have a 1972 range rover, and have finally got round to doing some much needed TLC to the poor thing, upon stripping a few items from the engine, and below the standard airfilter noticed this linkage, does anyone know what it is supposed to do, because as you can see it obviously wont do it now, what with being corroded through :confused:


also is there anyone in my locality who could pop over and take a look, as I have a few other pipes that are blanked off, and wondered where they go.
it is now auto, converted from manual, not sure it has original engine, but the engine does end with an 'A' suffix, so I assume so, sorry not much help I'm afraid, but I am still finding things out, even though I have owned it for 6 years :eek:
it is now auto, converted from manual, not sure it has original engine, but the engine does end with an 'A' suffix, so I assume so, sorry not much help I'm afraid, but I am still finding things out, even though I have owned it for 6 years :eek:

Just wondered if it was part of the kickdown mechanism if it was a manual now with an engine from an auto. Gave all my manuals for the Classic to my son when I gave him the car. My memory isn't what it was.:D:D Nothing to give you a clue on Rave?
Thanks for the info, I will take a look, as far as I am learning as time goes by it seems to be an A.S.P (all spare parts) nothing seems to match an original 1972 motor, it has a 3.5 bored out to 3.9, power steering, 4 into 1 exhaust manifolds, I was told in was an entrant in the Paris Dakar rally, not been able to verify this though :( but I am sure I can sort it ;)
As tomcat59alan said, its part of the 'kickdown' cable mechanism. Try not to drive it with that not working properly. It sets the pressure in the clutches within the gearbox (I think...). "The looser the cable, the earlier it will shift, visa versa the tighter the cable, the later it will shift."

According to ashcroft transmissions driving around with it disconnected is a no no...

"If the vehicle is a Disco I or Range Rover Classic under no circumstances drive with the kickdown cable disconnected, as this will cause premature autobox failure."

So my advice to you would be to rip it apart, clean it up, put a sleeve over it and weld it! :) Or take it apart and put in a new shaft, or whatever the easiest way of fixing it is.

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