
New Member
Hi all,

New to the forum, fairly new to the world of Landys, well, not quite, but more on that. I have on my hands a 1971 Series III 2.6 straight 6 with a carawagon conversion. It was bought new by my grandfather, it's been around a bit... Moscow, I think, was the furthest.

Anyway, it was restored back about 15 years ago, was used for about 8 or 9 afterwards and has been sitting since then. The restoration was complete, to new condition, including the carawagon roof, which pops up.

Anyway, passed two generations down I'm going to damn well do my best to get it going again. The bulkhead, from what I can see, is fine, the chassis should be fine and the engine looks to be alright, and has only had about 500 miles done since the restoration, though I'm going to get the local Landy man to have a gander.

The main problem is the pop up roof. Apparently that was bodged slightly when repaired - the piano hinges on it were replaced with steel not brass and rusted to hell. The plywood is in pretty bad nick too.

That's where I get lost. Does anyone know of any carawagon roof repairers, or any way I can deal with that part? I'm pretty lost without.

Pics are possible, but may have to wait a few until I find a minute...

Many thanks in advance!
Welcome! Sounds like a very nice project you have on the go. I would call Dunsfold Land Rover in Dunsfold, Surrey. They restore and can source bits for all sorts of variants or certainly point you in the right direction. They have their own collection of unusual and rare Land Rover variants.

Would be nice to see some pics of the Carawagon - do keep us updated of progress. :)
Thanks for the welcome :)

Okay, that sounds great - I'll get hold of them. Thanks!

I'll do my best on the pics, I have one or two I can put on now :)
i've passed a link on to a chap who has quite an interest/knowledge in these conversions

he may be able to offer advice etc' to help you with this (he owns/maintains a couple of them)

hope this helps
i've passed a link on to a chap who has quite an interest/knowledge in these conversions

he may be able to offer advice etc' to help you with this (he owns/maintains a couple of them)

hope this helps

Ah yes, that's me :)

I was a member on here before but can't remember my original logon details, hence my low post count :p

You're welcome to pop along to our forum at Land Rover Classic Campers and join there.

We've got quite a few Carawagons in the forum, and as Pete said, I've restored two including completely replacing all the roof woodwork, hinges and seals, and I now have three on my front lawn (one is my son's ;)).
I'm just about to start on another restoration, found in Truro as a complete Carwagon body off the chassis :D

Any questions, please don't hesitate to email me or post here or on LRCC.

Wow! Overwhelmed by the vigour of this forum! Thanks, I'm away for the weekend but will make a point of joining the camper forum upon my return, I'll post some pics here and there of the roof if I have a moment. Thanks again! :)

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