On second thoughts (first thought was to be polite) why would my daughter want a clapped out piece of **** for her first car?
...that was also my polite reply by the way!
If you know what you want, then try asking for it. You've not mentioned age range, fuel type, engine size etc. Although I suspect 'your type' will be looking for some tarted chav chariot, along the Saxo/106 lines, with 150k on the clock, chopped springs and a leaking headgasket.

My car isn't clapped out, and I only suggested it as it was the right price, cheap to insure, and easy for a learner to drive. But to be honest I wouldn't sell it to a jumped up prick like yourself anyway!

If you don't want a clapped out piece of ****, try raising the price tag! ...idiot!

...that was also my polite reply by the way!
If you know what you want, then try asking for it. You've not mentioned age range, fuel type, engine size etc. Although I suspect 'your type' will be looking for some tarted chav chariot, along the Saxo/106 lines, with 150k on the clock, chopped springs and a leaking headgasket.

My car isn't clapped out, and I only suggested it as it was the right price, cheap to insure, and easy for a learner to drive. But to be honest I wouldn't sell it to a jumped up prick like yourself anyway!

The irony :doh:
Like I said, I was open to offers!

If you were not interested, fair enough, thats all you needed to say! Obviously you're just a prick...

Oh sorry please forgive me i didnt see the open to offers bit, How about £100 and you deliver?
...that was also my polite reply by the way!
If you know what you want, then try asking for it. You've not mentioned age range, fuel type, engine size etc. Although I suspect 'your type' will be looking for some tarted chav chariot, along the Saxo/106 lines, with 150k on the clock, chopped springs and a leaking headgasket.

My car isn't clapped out, and I only suggested it as it was the right price, cheap to insure, and easy for a learner to drive. But to be honest I wouldn't sell it to a jumped up prick like yourself anyway!

Gobby little ****e aren't you ...
a man of your calibre could shirley make that into a silk purse ;)

long MOT though so can't be that bad, v cheap insurance anorl

Certainly cheap enuff gonna ask (19 yo for bentessex benefit) daughter what she thinks...wunt imagine insurance is much for them.
No idea but when we got insurance for my son when he was 18... 4 years ago for a 106 that was £1500 so anything under a grand cant be too bad.

so that price would be good then! or cheaper than average!

can't wait to put my boy on my insurance now:eek::eek:

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