
Recently i have noticed that may car wobbles a lot when i am doing a speed of 50 or more and is hard to drive on country lanes (bouncy and the steering is vague).

The car also behaves weirdly when i come off the accelerator at speed, like it will jump to the left. the car will also wonder to the left when i let go of the steering wheel. i know that defenders aren't great at speed but it shouldn't do that? and it also has quite a bit of play in the steering wheel?

Any advice appreciated :)

I had a similar problem when letting off the throttle or taking up drive where it would wander. It was a trailing arm bush, causing my rear axle to _assist_ with the steering!
it was easy enough to tell with mine. Just give the trailing arm a good yank, and it would move around a lot and clunk, metal on metal! :)
Spot on! just been underneath it and it is the trailing arm where the bushing thing has split/slid off, looks like i will be poly bushing it soon. thanks for the help :)
Well i haven't actually done it yet as i plan to get the new bushes tomorrow but i believe you have to change the bushings on the trailing arms, you can tell the they are flecked because the trailing arm will have play when pulling it about.

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