
Lord Hippo
I use car plan shampoo to wash ma hippo [don't use it now] but I think it's probably cheap as over time it seems to take the collinite 476s wax oft. 2 coats of wax should last a year but the smoothness seems to go so I assume it's coming oft. Rain doesn't run oft as quick anorl. Cleans it ok but I get the feeling the cheaper brands may strip the wax slightly. What car shampoo do you use on yer hippo and is it any good?


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Autoglym for :
power wash detergent
resin polish
wheel protector .. which works great at keeping wheels virtually free of brake dust
Mer shampoo, then mer polish, then a couple of coats of mer finishing wax, works on the wheels as well. Rain X on the windows. Keeps it looking shiny for about 6 months.
~ Like most Autoglym wash and super resin polish.

When driving today I was admiring the mirror finish on the bonnet. Washed 2 weeks ago !
I use car plan shampoo to wash ma hippo but I think it's probably cheap as over time it seems to take the collinite 476s wax oft. 2 coats of wax should late a year but the smoothness seems to go so I assume it's coming oft. Rain doesn't run oft as quick anorl. Cleans it ok but I get the feeling the cheaper brands may strip the wax slightly. What car shampoo do you use on yer hippo and is it any good?

Have you tried brake fluid as a shampoo, bring up that 'ippo a treat?
Shampoo??? Is that to go with yer hairdryers??

Yer average freelander drivers

Bring it on Lord Hippo I could do with cheering up
I only wash mine once a year...
supermarket brand €0,99 on special offer about 3 years ago, still have over half bottle.
You get shampoo and wax (or coatings as they call them these days) that work together. You get the paint to a finish you are happy with, apply the coating and use the corresponding shampoo which then tops up the "wax" as you wash. It also depends a lot on how you dry the surface as this is where a lot damage can occur. You can buy products now that you spray on and this reduces the damage inflicted, and as with the shampoo, tops up the coating.

Have a look at a youtube channel called Ammo NYC, there are loads of videos but there are a few on this very subject, worth watching as he tells you how to use other people's products for a better finish.

No amount of was'n'wax will stop yer dorz fallin oft though :p
To be honest I don't know............. I'll ask the guy in the Turkish car wash when I go there next ;)

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