I'm old and fat and have a map, (i'll get me coat)
Not for me I'm afraid, I'm old skool map n compass.

Can't even program the central heating.
I'm old and fat and have a map, (i'll get me coat)
Not for me I'm afraid, I'm old skool map n compass.

Can't even program the central heating.

I'm old but not fat (perhaps that's where I'm going wrong :confused:)

I dumped maps years ago for the Satnav, it talks more sense than the mrs and doesn't argue :D

Get yourself a Satnav :)
putting it to some good use

I have just ordered a Bluetooth OBD2 adapter so that I can run my diagnostics on my car puter :)

And .....

After lots of searching, I am unable to find a USB relay interface that I can control via a Java app on an Android device.


I have just bought another computer to go in my car, this 1 runs windows xp and I will use it to control a relay interface that runs all of my devices attached to my auxillary battery, all my different spot lights, my fridge, a tent heater etc etc

The new (well new to me but it's actually 2nd hand) was only £20 from ebay

Can you still play the radio and other audio whilst the screen is tucked away ???
hi landyman, could you give some tips on how to fit this awsome looking piece of kit. my 2001 es is fitted with a sh#t sony basic radio/cd by the previous owner who also chomped a lot of the old wiring when fitting. or would it be better getting it fitted properly? can you still use all of the existing speakers?
Can you still play the radio and other audio whilst the screen is tucked away ???

Can on mine,Different make but still a flip out 7"screen

yes, you can, did it last night and this morning

hi landyman, could you give some tips on how to fit this awsome looking piece of kit. my 2001 es is fitted with a sh#t sony basic radio/cd by the previous owner who also chomped a lot of the old wiring when fitting. or would it be better getting it fitted properly? can you still use all of the existing speakers?

it's very easy as long as you have all the correct wires in the correct harness, you just need to buy a few adapters
i will have another look at the wiring ,was about a year ago i took it out to have a look and see if i can make sense of what has been cut.
where do you buy the adapters? do you need a separate amp or anything? do i need to modify anything behind the dash to make it fit?
Seems odd to say it but have a drive to a large Halfords and get them to look at it .. they stock shed-loads of adaptors and provided you can get back to original wiring and connectors it's likely they'll sort it. Might cost a few quid, but they do do it correctly!!
I beg to differ about halfords, yes they will have lots of expensive connectors, but do it correctly? the last time i let that bunch of misfits loose on my car they distroyed the roof lining and put a DAB aerial in the middle of the drivers view on the windscreen. They're a bunch of kids that have not been given any training, they just think they know what to do, they don't know their arsehole from their earhole, they will never go anywhere near my car again ... thats my local halfords anyway.
That's why I say it seems odd to say it .. but I have always had good service, related to radios and stuff, from them!

Possibly depends on location .. :)
my local halfords is run by people who were only about 2 when my car was made. i have not been over impressed by the service in the past. i think you are right it does depend on location.

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