When you say “overlanding” you are strictly being accurate , but as most of your driving will be on tarmac you won’t even need four wheel drive . Whilst there will opportunities to go off road I can’t see you needing anything other than a stock vehicle . Most of the non tarmac driving the Team Faff boys do is on old goat/farm tracks and not particularly challenging , you are unlikely to come across anything your 2a can’t cope with .

The Land Cruiser in Turbo’s picture is a bit too modern for my liking but would certainly get the job done .

Have you given up posting in the anything goes section yet , because you will never win any argument there as they will always come up with some smart arse retort.

Doubt if he will win an argument out here either. At least not for another few years! :D
That is probably true , but at least a certain member from The Isle of Blight doesn’t come here to give his unwelcome opinion .

Anyway, all's well that ends well.

Off to bed now, battery shopping tomorrow, the one in the Series has died. Cold, doubt if that is much of an issue in Cyprus either.
When you say “overlanding” you are strictly being accurate , but as most of your driving will be on tarmac you won’t even need four wheel drive . Whilst there will opportunities to go off road I can’t see you needing anything other than a stock vehicle . Most of the non tarmac driving the Team Faff boys do is on old goat/farm tracks and not particularly challenging , you are unlikely to come across anything your 2a can’t cope with .

The Land Cruiser in Turbo’s picture is a bit too modern for my liking but would certainly get the job done .

Have you given up posting in the anything goes section yet , because you will never win any argument there as they will always come up with some smart arse retort.
NO not really am having a blast :p
Alex, I don't want to knock your overlanding plans at all and I wish you well with such a trip but you wouldn't go mountain climbing using 50 year old rope would you. I hear that your vehicle is mostly rebuilt but many of the new parts for old ladies are less reliable than the original ones. Wherever you take it, try to plan a route that has a good phone signal, and take plenty of pictures for us to admire.

Alex, I don't want to knock your overlanding plans at all and I wish you well with such a trip but you wouldn't go mountain climbing using 50 year old rope would you. I hear that your vehicle is mostly rebuilt but many of the new parts for old ladies are less reliable than the original ones. Wherever you take it, try to plan a route that has a good phone signal, and take plenty of pictures for us to admire.

Freudian slip???
We do 3-4 day trips in the UK at around 200 miles and clock up around 5000 miles a year in out 1970 LWB. A sensible daily limit is around 100 miles just from the noise and battering even on the road. On a smooth motorway 200 miles or more is ok (we wear ear defenders) but a seriously long trip would take a long time with lots of stops. My first advice would be to do something like the North 500 as a lot of people have done this in series and there's some good you tube vids. You will learn a lot and by staying in the UK you can get spares sent to you. Just loaded for 4 days in the UK (ie not carrying extra water or fuel) we weigh 2 1/4 tons and despite my best efforts a lot of that is high up. We would absolutly not want to be raised up with an even higher C of G. The other thing is that you are carrying a lot of extra gear, toilet, cooking, food, bedding, sink, 240v inverter, solar panels and controller, leisure batteries, night heater, tools, spares, clothes (and a Tirfor) and that's without the "toys" - boat, bikes etc. This lot does not take well to any type of offroading, no matter how well you lash it all. I know people do these long over land trips, but I think there is a dillema - travel light and buy what you need as you go (look at the orginal Land Rover London - Singapore trip, 4 guys in a LWB with very little gear) or carry everything in which case you soon end up with a Bedford Truck size vehile and pretty heavy running costs. The problem you have now in a lot of the world is that a heavy 4x4 is a very attractive thing and there are a lot of people ready and able to take it from you. The Germans especially seem to have chosen to build overland campers that look more like armoured cars, but its not my idea of a relaxing trip if you can't get out. Take a look at that monster and image pulling up in a poor villiage and expecting to meet the locals!

The original London to Singapore trip , if you mean the Oxford/Cambridge expedition ,was four blokes in two 86”s.

Suggesting doing the North Coast 500 to someone in Cyprus is not a particularly practical suggestion as he would have to drive across Europe and the UK just to get there . He would be better of practicing in the Alps , and there is a Team Faff series on YouTube about doing that .
My mistake (and appogies!) I forget where he was, I'm planning the North 500 so had it in mind. Trudos mountains are a good place to start! I have fond memories of Cyprus - used to visit Kyrenia before the partition, when the drive into Nicosia meant travelling in convoy with a British Scout Car in the lead.
Well I think its a great idea. I could drive my series all day long without worrying about a thing.

This lot have no sense of adventure and have become soft in their air conditioned euro boxes. Get out there and have an adventure.

Just forget the lift nonsense. Do make sure you have a pith helmet and a devastating mustache. Johnny Foreigner loves that sort of thing.
A nice fluffy pillow under yer arse is prolly a priority for a long trip in a series!! ;)
I believe Livingstone did take a copy of modern day camouflage.

Just remember.


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