
New Member
Well i have just bought off ebay this.....


Just wondering if a normal post 2001 car licence is okay to drive this on, or will i have to get another licence?

Also looks like a few bits missing, any idea what i would need (see link for more pics)

Land Rover RHD 2A Ex Military Ambulance | eBay
bulkhead shot, doors shot, heater missing...
HOW MUCH did you pay for it??
and good luck with the papers mate, you'll need it.

i think the empty weight wasnt that much, so normal licence should be ok, but it doesnt have any reg plates, neither does it come with any papers...
Seems alright, could be worse. I like these old Ambulances. Are you going to camperise it? Please do a resto thread :)
Phil, it was £625 (bit worried its a wreck now).

Sam, yes i was hoping to turn it into a campervan, so i have the ultimate winter transport plus i can take it up a hill, have a days walking, then jump in the back and have a brew ;D
I guess you will need a good friend or a pair of good hands with the welding torch. :)

Would love to see it fixed up though as I'm a camper man too.

When I bougth a motorcycle off ebay without papers I had a numberplate on it. With that I got the V5 from DVLA for 25 pounds. Really simple thing it was.

With no docs whatsoever I have no idea how it could be registered though. Where I live, (Poland) or where I'm from (Hungary) you would not have a chance registering it.

Hope it's different in UK though. Maybe some historic vehicle club and the LR company records can help you find some documents/data. Fingers crossed.
it's best you register on the Series 2 Club forum before you start ANY work on that old ambulance (inspected as it stands makes verification easier, change ANY bits and things get trickier), there you'll get all and any advice you need to register it as they are recognised by dvla as THE authority on Series 2's and 2a's

they can and do perform inspections on vehicles to verify thier age and if they're genuine or not (there is a small fee) which is recognised by the authorities and will assist with the necessary paperwork to get it registered correctly

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