Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


New Member
hi all.

just done a confusedmoneysuper type quote for me on a potential new Jag and lowest they came back with was £620! Surely, not! My lpg'd 4litre 1994 Jag 2 years ago was about £320. My stats..

North East england.
Fully Comp.
38 yrs old, 11 NCB, nee points/claims etc.. Systems Analyst blah blah.. Have I missed anything?
Oh, and I'm asking for quotes for a 2000 4.0 V8 LPG converted.

thanks for looking.

I beat all of the price comparison sites by going straight to the insurance companies. I ended up with Admiral but;
- Went onto Admiral and got a quote
- Went onto Elephant (same company as Admiral but bear with me) and entered Admiral's quote as lowest so far. Elephant beat Admiral's quote.
Went onto Diamond Insurance (same company as admiral & Elephant but you should be getting the idea by now). They beat Elephant.
- Went onto Bell Insurance (same company etc. etc.) They beat Diamond.
- Then phoned up Admiral who now gave me a quote to beat Bell. I started at £1220 and ended up at £710 - multiple cars and drivers.

The reason I stuck with the same company was that they all use the same on-line form, just a different colour, so eventually I could almost fill it in in my sleep.

Just out of interest I checked with a broker and they couldn't match the price I got.

What you've got to remember is to do this every year, you don't get any discount for staying with the same company.
as db said you need to shop around and do a bit of graft but I ended up with my rangie 4.6 costing 190 quid a year fully comp with swift but had to phone them
good tip, wioll have ago now. picking up a p38 on sunday and my current insurance company want an extra 350 just to insure it untill it expires in july! what a joke.
insurance has definately gone through the roof this year! not sure if this will help, but i just insured my new range rover (1993 2.5tdi) on a classic insurance, for £183! through lancaster insurance, they stipulated that it must be my second vehicle, i set the limited mileage to 4,000 a year! and i had to join an owners club,(£20 per year). it might be worth a go! phone them direct as i dont think they are on price comparison sites. another one worth a go are highway insurance! theyre 4x4 specialists! good luck!
(i'm 39, full n.c.b, and a clean license)
insurance has definately gone through the roof this year! not sure if this will help, but i just insured my new range rover (1993 2.5tdi) on a classic insurance, for £183! through lancaster insurance, they stipulated that it must be my second vehicle, i set the limited mileage to 4,000 a year! and i had to join an owners club,(£20 per year). it might be worth a go! phone them direct as i dont think they are on price comparison sites. another one worth a go are highway insurance! theyre 4x4 specialists! good luck!
(i'm 39, full n.c.b, and a clean license)

that dont seem cheap to me for only 4000 miles i only payed 360 fully comp for 12000 miles
i got a online quote from budget for £540 for my 1996 4.6 hse(third party fire & theft with a 3000 miles limit,im 42 with 7yr NCB) when i phoned up to buy the policy they came up with £1068????:eek::eek::eek: managed to get insured with flux for half that price:)
My smile gets bigger with every post I read on this thread, 407 Euro's full comp Europe wide unlimited cover including recovery, no excess on windscreens, 20K kilometers per year, if I do less I get a rebate. Oh and there is no road tax in France:p:D:D:D
My smile gets bigger with every post I read on this thread, 407 Euro's full comp Europe wide unlimited cover including recovery, no excess on windscreens, 20K kilometers per year, if I do less I get a rebate. Oh and there is no road tax in France:p:D:D:D

£268 on my Rangie. 10K a year, windscreen cover and 60 days driving in Europe. £200 a year road tax, I'll spend more than that on toll charges driving through France (In 2 weeks!!). Could take the minor roads but can't be away for a month:p
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£268 on my Rangie. 10K a year, windscreen cover and 60 days driving in Europe. £200 a year road tax, I'll spend more than that on toll charges driving through France (In 2 weeks!!). Could take the minor roads but can't be away for a month:p

Only 60 days Europe cover and no recovery, oh and the route nationals are pretty fast away from the cities and free.:p Break down once on the Autoroute and say goodbye to your £100 saving or pay for RAC, AA or Green Falg international cover:p:p:p
The excuse for higher insurance premiums is 'people who don't insure their vehicles, how do they get away with it, police national computer has access to car insurance records. Another excuse is fake accidents/injury claims by crooks. I don't understand why honest motorists who do insure their vehicles should subsidise the rich insurers. The insurance industry are as crooked as those who create fake accidents to claim compensation.
I'm paying over £700 for my L322, but then I'm only 28 and have only 1 years NC, so I think that's alright. Although £500 excess is a bit, well, excessive! Still much cheaper to insure a RR than the average german salon (bmw 3 series etc) for me, guess RR's are less of a boy racer car!
Try an Admiral multi-car policy (if you have more than 1 car in the household that is). Cost £265 fully comp for 2003 TD6 Vogue