Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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We've got three cars in the house, the landy, a mondeo and the wife's Ka.

I got the renewal for the multicar policy with Admiral on the Mondy and Ka yesterday, £750:eek: thats £120 up on last year.

Got on and found two seperate policys with esure, same cover for a total of £520:)

Rang Admiral, "well, lets see, we can shave £20 off here and £10 off there, is that better sir?", no, just cancel them please.

So for the sake of 10 minutes on the pc i saved £230, i was happy with that, so i tried the landy which i've got on a limited mileage policy with adrian flux. Sainsburys can do it for £199 including windscreen so i know where i'll be taking that cover next year.

Basically loyalty stands for crap with these thieving shysters. I'll be checking every year from now on.
Shouldn't that just read Insurance bastards?

DAS Legal insurance owe us about twenty plus grand we paid a solicitor for an employment case we won 8 months ago. DAS first said we couldn't win so wouldn't cover us, then said we had to have "their panel solicitor" for what was a complex case, then they said part of the case was not covered (even though the chair of the employment tribunal said it was part of the case).

We spent ages persuading them the policy allowed us to use a different solicitor, they eventually accepted this almost too late to submit the tribunal request. When the other side raised their offer, they immediately removed cover when the offer reached a level they thought was sufficient when we could have got more. We hadn't yet negotiated non-disclosure and other important terms.

Since we won, we have been after them for the money. They have been telling us that the costs file was at their costing accountants and they didn't know when the accountants would audit the claim and couldn't tell us when we would hear. It turned out a couple of weeks ago, that they may have never had the file.

We have made two (maybe three) complaints through their process. These were not dealt with adequately until we turned the candle up on them by filing with Ombudsman. The first complaints were dealt with by the clerk passing the file to a colleague in the same team who just basically said his colleague was right.

Now we have complained to the Ombudsman, they have been trying to put blame on our solicitor who has been great, won the case and had to deal with their ****.

DAS provide the legal cover for a lot of car and house policies, so you are probably relying on them somewhere - so watch out.

(PS. I am happy to name DAS because all this is true. Also, if they were to rely on the legal support they gave to us as a customer to take action, it wouldn't particular matter!)
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It's not so much the insurance companies ripping you off, its down to the thousands of uninsured/un-licensed/no mot merchants that are costing us (via the insurance companies) an arm and a leg. The insurance company still has to pay up if someone with no insurance causes damage to your vehicle or personal injury, thats why we all have £40 added to our premiums. As for 'loyalty', it doesnt exist within the insurance industry. If it did my 41 odd years no claims would mean I pay about 10p, but I dont. Admittedly I've been with the NFU for a few years, but always shop around, so far they've done good.

I always shop around for insurance at renewal time. An hour or so on the internet and phone normally saves £30-£100 or so. That makes my hourly rate quite nice.
its a total scam, almost not worth having and just paying the fine as I found out after my insurance bill for all three cars was £600 a year and the thieving bastid who caused the accident had no license , insurance ,tax , mot and a fake number plate got nothing!!!

why the fook do we bother! :doh:

No claims bonus is a scam too, all they do is ask you if you have any accidents in the last 5 years and base it on that but still charge you for protected no claims
Don't buy protected no claims then. Basically, its insurance on insurance. Of course they'll try to sell it to you!
Double twunts, I just got an email from esure telling me I'm not getting through to the next phase of their interviews.

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