
New Member
hi all, i need your help.

this morning i unlocked the car bent down to pop the bonnet and put key on drivers seat. closed door and went to check oil level as i have a bit of a leak so i check every morning.

while checking the oil the car locked itself.:doh::doh::doh: it done this last week but lucky enough there was enough gap in one of the windows to get a wire in and lift lock. this time no windows open and i have to try lift the lock from outside.

only thing is its like going blind. have never had to take these door cards off so not sure where the latch is to pull up.

someone please help me out. i got shed loads to do today and need my car back asap!!!!

i alradr has the seal off at rear passenger side door. info on that door would be good. thanks

oh and its a P38 model
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had the same thing a while back a nice man from rac came and put an air bag in the door top to make a gap then he got a bar in to open the door
I accept no responsibility for any damage you may do if you try this but...........get 2 wedge shaped pieces of wood and 1 slim pry bar type thing, pry a gap open in the top of the door and stick 1 of the bits of wood in it, move along the door a bit and do this again, it should give you enough room to get a wire in there but don't pry it too far as you might bend the door/break the window etc.
cheers for that, only thing is all my tools are in the car. all i got is a wire coat hanger. i no it can be done. had to do it with everycar i have had in the past at some point. just cant seem to get this one to unlock.
you can't find 2 bits of wood and a screwdriver? go ask someone for 'em.
If I'm checking anything under the bonnet (as my head is permantlly in there at the moment ) I always wind down the drivers window in case that happens.
You could always smash a window as doors on flee bay are next to nowt or I watched Back to the Future with my 2 boys last night . Do you have a Delorion as a second car ?
you can't find 2 bits of wood and a screwdriver? go ask someone for 'em.

**** yeh, whos the daddy.

thanks mate, used a chissel and screwdriver. worked a treat.


and yeh from now on i am going to open a window before i do anything just incase. lol
having now read the scum bags guide to entering a P38 which isnt theirs will now hide anything on show. I did think it was near imposssible to get in thriough gap in windows as described as this was a stipulation by insurance companys to get this sorted around the time the P38 came out. Can you still get in even if you double lock the doors ?
Yes..but startin it is the big problem. Obviously, I ain't going to go into details on here.
Mornin "J"......hows things??
I see you had a nice tea party by the seaside, any Jammie Dodgers, or have you all moved upmarket now??
Superlocked doors can easily be overcome, details if people trawl the web, I'll say no more.
Too Bloody true you do ....... Crow Bars at the ready ..... I'll say NO MORE!!!

Keith that is not fair on the people of Liverpool. Not all of them go around at dead of night breaking into cars with crowbars. Some do it in day light and some put a gun to your head at traffic lights. So come on get it right.:D:D:D:D:D
i see tis my turn today. that will teach me to let claw root in my boot..

Sorry mate, but it maybe my turn tomorrow, so you got to get them in while you can. Claw is quiet though, Marie must have him doing house work or he crawled under Rangie and can't get out.:cool::cool:

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