
New Member
Hi all,

I'm new here and I have taken a look at the posts you folks put on but I can't find anything that matches my problem (thus I couldn't been bothered to read 188 pages of threads!).

My problem is that the alarm on my Freelander 1.8 Petrol GS is being downright annoying. The alarm goes off randomly (for no reason) after 5, 10 minutes (sometimes half hour) when I lock the Freelander using the remote. But the strange thing is that when I lock the Freelander using the driver side door using the key, it's fine (stays quiet).

Just to complicate this issue, the passenger side door (when I unlock the Freelander) does not unlock easily therefore I have to press the unlock button on the remote three times (according to the manual, one press of the remote unlocks the driver door only, another to unlock the rest).

I'm open to any suitable suggestions that will fix this problem but bear in mind that I'm a novice :) on fixing cars.
TITTER. . . . .ER dunt take no notice er the burn it brigade. . . .reet , if you lock yer gaylader with the keys [its normal lock wiff no alarm] if you lock wiff fob [its deadlocked alarm on] ok the central locking is seperate circuit from yer alarm but all doors + bonnet shut signals enable it, the alarm in yer cab is a vulmatic , thats why you should never leave pets or young earthlings inside wiff fob locked , as it detects inside movement or sum twot smashin yer windows or forcin yer bonnet, . . . .so wot i'm tryin to say is that its more than likely a volmatic problem or water in yer bonnet switch. . . . .:)
TITTER. . . . .ER dunt take no notice er the burn it brigade. . . .reet , if you lock yer gaylader with the keys [its normal lock wiff no alarm] if you lock wiff fob [its deadlocked alarm on] ok the central locking is seperate circuit from yer alarm but all doors + bonnet shut signals enable it, the alarm in yer cab is a vulmatic , thats why you should never leave pets or young earthlings inside wiff fob locked , as it detects inside movement or sum twot smashin yer windows or forcin yer bonnet, . . . .so wot i'm tryin to say is that its more than likely a volmatic problem or water in yer bonnet switch. . . . .:)

which means set fire to it:p
and use yer neighbours paper to start the burn.....its cheaper and burns wiff pretty colours
TITTER. . . . .ER dunt take no notice er the burn it brigade. . . .reet , if you lock yer gaylader with the keys [its normal lock wiff no alarm] if you lock wiff fob [its deadlocked alarm on] ok the central locking is seperate circuit from yer alarm but all doors + bonnet shut signals enable it, the alarm in yer cab is a vulmatic , thats why you should never leave pets or young earthlings inside wiff fob locked , as it detects inside movement or sum twot smashin yer windows or forcin yer bonnet, . . . .so wot i'm tryin to say is that its more than likely a volmatic problem or water in yer bonnet switch. . . . .:)

you not read then???
then yull ave a black one!!

sorry sappy...bin doin a web search....nothin out there.....there must b a way to adjust the sensitivity on the movement sensor, but it aint on the web
When you lock tour car with the key it doesn't alarm it, it only locks the doors, probably the reason it doesn't keep going off. ( If you take your car on a long ferry trip you are told to lock the car with the key not the fob, or you will have a flat battery when you try to disembark. A few hundred alarms going off during the trip probably ****es the crew off as well )
Does the battery charge levels affect the alarm system??? Reason why I asked this I just checked the battery and it got a black mark instead of a green mark which to me is weird because the car does over 200 miles a week (from Hereford to Newport)
Is the place where you park the car always the same or doesn't it matter where it is, the moment you lock it the problem can arise, no matter where the car is ? I ask this because one of the guys on the belgian forum has the same problem but for him it always happens around 4am, the neighbours don't like it that much he says:D . In his neighbourhood he has an umts-mast and also heavy electric powerlines (not the best place to live if you ask me, which you don't I assume ?:D ) Anyway, I think to have read in the past something similar of one of the uk members and think he got it fixed by parking his car on another spot ?
And in my opinion can the battery be at fault, if the power oscillates due to the poor state of it the alarm can be so fed up with it that it starts to get off ??
I think that the bonnet switch could be faulty .
is the rubber sheath in good nick if its perished it could squidge about and allow the switch to move around and set off the alarm.
or have you got a moth or somthing flying around inside setting off the sensor inside?
Top dollar to minge, right on the money about why it only happens when you lock with the fob. Now assuming that you have fully and comprehensively checked the bonnet switch, which you obviously have otherwise you wouldn't be being so negative about useless advice, it must be a volumetric problem.
(never happened with voluimperial by the way, in the old days)

So you are looking at something moving inside the vehicle, or faulty volumetric. In the time of dodgy ultrasonic sensors (any one remember harry moss car alarms?) something simple such as the seatbelt retracting could set them off if they were set wrong, so have you absolutely eliminated anything that could move after locking, such as seatbelts, air freshners on the rear view mirror ?

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