Rules is for the obedience of idiots and the guidance of wise men.

but thanks for pointing that out...


Won't sell my Nanocom to any LZ members then, as can't tell them the ebay number...
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Won't sell my Nanocom to any MCUK members then, as can't tell them the ebay number...

Do you think LZ members are thick :confused::rolleyes:

If they wanted a Nanocom (whatever the hell that is) dont you think they are capable of searching ebay all on their own :p
Forum police think they rule the world !!!!

In case you hadn't noticed, this is a very big and popular forum. Without some form of control we'd be flooded with every scamming, theiving, rip-off merchant looking to make a quick kill.

50 valid contribution posts means we at least get the chance to get the measure of you.......and just be a recent poll, members voted overwhelmingly to have it changed to 100 :rolleyes:
In case you hadn't noticed, this is a very big and popular forum. Without some form of control we'd be flooded with every scamming, theiving, rip-off merchant looking to make a quick kill.

50 valid contribution posts means we at least get the chance to get the measure of you.......and just be a recent poll, members voted overwhelmingly to have it changed to 100 :rolleyes:

yikes newbies are kicking off all over the place watch out for low flying dummies

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