
Hi all. As per title...2002 Disco td5 with 125k miles. Whether cold/hot and starting off/while travelling its getting increasingly hard to select any gears & feels like the clutch is dragging. Fluid is ok & its driveable (drove it from Kent to Cornwall yesterday) but needs nursing into every gear but is fine once in gear. Its booked into RCV, an indie dealer for investigation but would appreciate any ideas you may have.
Some Possibilities.....

Depending on if the problem happened suddenly or gradually......

1/ Clutch hydraulics, master or slave cylinder leaking/defective.

2/ Clutch release fork collapsed at fulcrum, (as previously mentioned), or one leg of the fork to release bearing broken, (this has happened to my D1).

3/ Clutch pressure plate diaphragm spring collapsing.
clutch arm on a D2 is a different one than earlier models and isnt known for punching through
Biggeeeee, had a look at that post and resultant photos, yes that would do it for sure.
Those so called Clutch "experts" should hang their heads in shame, but isn't that always the way, you pay while they play.
Ok, thanks for your thoughts chaps. Just done a 500 mile round trip during which it was mostly ok, maybe 6 out of 10 gear changes without difficulty but a couple of potentially dangerous moments at junctions/roundabouts. Its getting parked up now til the indie dealer can look at it on wed. Gearbox oil not changed but will be soon. Clutch fluid level ok without loss or obvious leakage. I'll let you know what they find wed.
Those in the know will remove the g/box tomorrow but tell me it has all the signs of a worn spigot bush which means a new clutch. So long as thats all they find, I'm told it'll be around £600 in total. This (price) sound about right to you?
When I say needs a new clutch, I meant that on 128k miles they might as well while its stripped. Not sure if a new clutch HAS to be fitted when the spigot is replaced?
Indies usually quote around the £600 to drop the gearbox and re-fit, sounds about right, round these parts anyway
Those in the know will remove the g/box tomorrow but tell me it has all the signs of a worn spigot bush which means a new clutch. So long as thats all they find, I'm told it'll be around £600 in total. This (price) sound about right to you?

i cant see how worn spigot bush equates with a new clutch they are separate things
When I say needs a new clutch, I meant that on 128k miles they might as well while its stripped. Not sure if a new clutch HAS to be fitted when the spigot is replaced?

no, a worn clutch can cause slip or also warping which gives failure to clear properly making gear change more difficult

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