
Well-Known Member
Still can't decide whether or not to fit these, which were a present from the missus last year.
Any opinions.

As above...looks better with them on, protects the sills and keeps the missus happy, job done!
Your in a no win situation here. When i see cheq plate i think its hiding a problem. As far as protecting the original cills, are you going to pop rivet them on? = damaged cill.
Good luck
Go for it, put hem on. Looks much better and is a good aid for people getting in and out. My wife wants them on ours.
Agree with the others i think it looks nice with the chequer plate.

as for the comments regarding hiding damage etc I would be looking at out riggers chassis bulkhead etc before worrying about a ding / paint scarped off some sills which are easily replaceable and upgradeable.
All the best vehicles have them.......
Right thanks for the replies, l am going to fit them this weekend.
There's not much to hide with these, just the fact that you have to drill seven holes in each aluminium sill, so once fitted they stay fitted.
Chequer plate just looks a bit naff on vertical surfaces IMO. Unless you're regularly tipping your landy on its side it doesn't really serve a purpose does it?
I guess it's just for looks, and l suppose it does protect the sills which get scuffed from people getting in and out.

I could bond them on but then there would be a line of holes where the fixing bolts should be fitted.
As said in Derbyshire it creates a Sh** trap, off is better until your sills a worn or scruffy

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