Mine can't either..... but the bobblies would have a mass crapping of themselves should one of those things go laning :flame2: :D :D Proper V8 noise...yum.
PMSL even if I know that's just wrong :D I did say bobblies, meaning ramblers etc. not bobbies as in cops ;)
oops, dyslexicness strikes again lol. (dont think thats even a word is it?)
ramblers on green lanes are like cyclists on roads, ARSEHOLES!!!!!

hows it wrong ? makes sence dosnt it ? haha.
to be fair, police are that useless round heer, they couldnt catch a 1.25 mk5 fiesta with cut springs...........
It's wrong because the so called arseholes have the ear of the councils and parks organisations; they'll just get the authorities to TRO the living crap out of the country if we scare them too much! :D :D

Then again, it might be different up in Scotland :unsure:
theres pretty much nowhere to go 'greenlaning' up heer, so everyone that tryies to stop you is an arsehole haha.
there are some good offroady places, needs to be night time tho:D
Why don't things break like they do when you do a bit of tame off roading coz that is nowhere near tame off roading and no crash helmets either
Because the components they use on those monsters is over-engineered to take massive abuse. You've seen the trophy trucks racing and jumping in the desert? Stock or near stock Landys would never survive at those kinds of speeds...if they could attain such speeds anyway ;)
If you had some explosives, a couple of D9's, removed some trees, diverted a creek or two, then just about anything could drive through there.
They just step on the loud pedal.
Tennessee highway engineers.:rolleyes:

were nice must admit, but after seeing some fall over, and jumping for "england"
just an open face helmit would be a good choice for me.

years ago I broke a open face helmet during a massive/fast roll over in my F3 stock car.
taught me about the need for very tight seatbelts, and top quality crash hats ever since,
oh, and the need to never let go of the steering wheel when "falling over" and over, and over...

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