When you say £89.00 for four standard wheel nuts my friend you are forgetting there r/r and like everything else on a p38 they seem to heap on a bit of premium some of the prices for original parts are a ripoff
I've got the same problem. Genuine locking wheel nuts on my Defender. These are steel wheels, so the keys are the 4 pin type. It's claimed that the keys should be stamped with a number, indicating what replacement key I need. But I can't see anything stamped on the broken keys. Questions: where should the stamped number be (on one of the hex faces, on the shoulder, on the round part, or between the pins) as I can't see anything?

Also, any suggestions on a good supplier (possibly on ebay).

Mine don’t have a number on the “key” but there is an original sticker with the number on the first plastic page in the handbook; only any good if you have it though☹️

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