
New Member
Hi there,
I've found a little black box next to my battery in my 2004 Discovery Td5's engine bay.
I was wondering of anyone here can identify it for me?

As you can see the plug says 'Power Plug' on it. Is this a brand name? Googling just brings up pictures of plugs.
It is connected to the ECU as per the pictures. Is it some diagnostic tool?

Many thanks in advance for your help.
It's a "Tunit performance upgrade box". One of the tacked on ones instead of a re-flash.

Sell it, it's worth about 400 quid.

The little dial sets the "map". Turn it and see what differences you can make - it's only at 5 (probably a blend of bit better performance and not too hellish consumption) Set it to 9 and report back!
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I would guess it is one of those "performance tuners" essentially a home ECU tuning kit that you plug into a PC or laptop and make adjustments to.

Your TD5 didn't have "chwome wims wiv spinnaz" and a "masseeeeeeve spoilah" did it? ;)
Unless you are a ventriloquist Discomania, I respectfully request that you remove your arm from my tailpipe... hahaha
Thanks for the info guys. I don't think I'll sell it. I would be interested to see what kind of performance gains I'll get if I try it on 9. can't believe I thought it was a diagnostic tool! If I was to plug it into a laptop, what software do you reckon I'd need to make it actually do something?
Lordwolf - It doesn't have a spoiler, no :D
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Okay guys, just set it to 7 and boy it goes! Pulling out of junctions is now much faster and I can hold onto gears for much longer. I'm going to run it at 7 for a day or two then set it to 9 and I will report back..
Very excited! Can't believe I didn't know what it was and I've had the car for a year!
dont be so glad m8... it's not the best thing for the injectors... it just "tricks" them to work out of the limits and they'll 'die' sooner... plug in a tester and you'll see that the ECU is full of "injector peak charge long" fault codes due to this device.
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If it does data logging to enable you to download the captured data to a PC and see what the engine/ECU has been doing. Be aware that in the event that Plod get interested in you're driving habit. I:E after a crash, doing you for speeding etc. they too can download the data and see what speed you were driving at :eek:
Well it's done 133 000 miles with only two owners and I'm the second. So my guess is its been in for a while. The injectors will probably need replacing pretty soon anyway due to its mileage. The car is serviced very thoroughly by myself and has a full history so I have absolutely no concerns about ruining the engine or its parts as it runs as sweet as a nut.
For the difference it makes I think it is worth it. It has not only made the car more bearable to drive but has also made it more safe; I can be more confident that someone isn't going to go into the back of me if I pull out on a blind junction.
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Redhand - I never speed and never feel the want to in my Discovery. There's nothing illegal about having a little more acceleration. :D
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Redhand - I never speed and never feel the want to in my Discovery. There's nothing illegal about having a little more acceleration.

I never said you did, nor did I say it was??

I simply pointed out that plod can and do access peeps tuneup chips if they feel the need and that they can get you into a heap of **** if you do happen to have been doing summat ya shouldn't have been doing
I never said you did, nor did I say it was??

I simply pointed out that plod can and do access peeps tuneup chips if they feel the need and that they can get you into a heap of **** if you do happen to have been doing summat ya shouldn't have been doing

Sorry for the misunderstanding there. I've just realised that I will need to inform my insurance company about this box. If the police saw it after a collision and checked with them whether it had been declared I really would be in a heap of ****.
Ha. The longer the journey and the further I get into it, the faster I go it seems. Start off at an indicated 70mph on the motorway thinking that's fine and over the next 100 miles or so it slowly creeps up to the 80 mark. I think you maybe get used to the noise over a period. It's funny if you stop and then start off again, the stereo blasts out at you like you're standing next to the speakers at a rave, because you've turned it up to hear Tony Blackburn or whoever above the noise at the heady speed of 80mph.

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