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The rain and wind have been mostly heavy and, occasionally, biblical today. So I decided to tidy the garage and organise the boxes of bits I've got stored along one wall.
Came across these bolts, which I have failed to label.

They were both in the same box, but I suppose that doesn't mean they are off the same part/place.
They are both flanged head, the one on the right has a bigger head and that fixed spacer section as though something would pivot there.
Any ideas as to where they are from and what they do would be welcomed.
The one on the right looks like the bolt that holds the fuel tank on at the front if it's an under seat fuel tank.
The one on the right is the pivot bolt on the defender side step, when you fold the step up or down , 2 on each step.The other one looks like the thread has snapped off it.
the one on the right looks like the one that pins the side fuel tank down
think it has thick rubber bush -washer also
Aside from them being nackered, as has been said, you don't know what they're off, so they may even be off the old Splurge fangle gasket holder that you don't have any more .. get rid of the tat .. ;)
Yep, they're scrap all-right. I just thought the one on the right looked like it had an important job! :)
I've already got new bolts for the fuel tank, so if that's what they are from I'm sorted.
The one on the right looks like a worn pivot point though :confused:
Thanks for the replies chaps.

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