I don't understand how this has all gone so wrong. It upsets me a bit, so you have probably got the reaction you were seeking; if that improves your life, my shoulders are broad enough to take that load.

I posted a genuine request, seeking help. You made the decision, I thought in the name of humour, to post derisory comments and I attempted to return the humour.

If you read the whole thread, you will see that you took the discussion to base level, claiming to have deflowered your own daughter. Others joined in saying they had the honour.

I kept my comments in the third person plural, you responded with very personal remarks. I will not respond in a similar way. I would prefer to call a truce and get on with trying to help one another, which I guess is what this site is all about.

I have already offered one new member my help, by pulling my dashboard out and sending him colour photographs to help him solve wiring problems. Isn't that the whole point of club's and web sites of this kind?

I really don't understand the "Waynes World" approach to mocking serious enquiries and I have never before been called arrogent. But hey, fine with me if that's what you really think.

Sart again?, or if you really think I have nothing to offer, I'll bugger off - no problem.
well i must commend you on your reply, i will accept your offer to call a truce, but if you read your first thread it does sound a tad dodgy. you should have put the reason you wanted a log book and then it may or may not have taken the road it did. don't be getting upset over this, some people take things wrongly and get wound up. there is a thread asking for me to be banned as i am alledgedly nothing but a arse, but hey like i care. i help loads of people on here and also have the craic with plenty, its all in a days work dear boy, so don't let it get to you ;)
Well, I am surprised! I had just logged on to see if I could de-register, when I saw your reply, which I take in the spirit it was written.

Thanks for the warning about the popularity of your postings! As a "new boy" I had no idea I was dealing with someone famous (infamous?)

When I was a lot younger, I used to fire rockets off in all directions, until my boss took me to one side and explained to me that you get more out of life by being "nice", even if you don't really mean it! I gave it a try and liked the results. I can even be nice to bank staff and civil servants now.

Have you really got a yellow disco? Regards
yep, i certainly have but its minus an engine at the minute. if you look in the gallery there is a pic of it somewhere ;)
nice one wesser, i'm just being thoughtful, i must be on an off day, will be back on form tomorrow ;)
i could print you one up if you give me the details and numbers you need on it....yule have to get your own plates. or atleast my daughter could she has got a barbie printing set...hope you don't mind a pink log book...
ere maybe i could sell some to the girls down the bottom of the page
I think this is done to death now? The pink "barbie" logbook would have been fun - might even have got away with it?

Still, been an experience. Might get some bumper stickers made "I've been mauled by a Yella Disco" anyone interested? Seriously (for a change) anyone ever thought about some "Landyzone.co.uk" stickers? Could be sold for a fair price on ebay, we could give the later, hairdresser's 4x4's (nearly said jeeps) a hoot as we pass them in our real Landrovers?

I guess my best bet is to buy a whole series three and break it, pity, 'cos it will need to be a driveable one. Anyone fancy the rest of the vehicle? If I can find one with overdrive, I will just take the gearbag and logbook.

I'm gonna start a new thread now on brakes - see who is first to chew my gibblets?

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