
Can any one know the details of this engine, I can t decode the number. I would like to know the build date and possible other specifics

the number is 95601576A

Thanks in advance!

I would say it's from a Landrover going by the low 8.25-1 CR, strange the oil filler is blanked off though, apart from that, can't help.
956xxxxxx 101FC petrol 3528cc V8

Not sure year but if you clean the block you might see some letters and numbers to identify the cast date

  • The first one or two numbers are the date in the month it was built (1 to 31)
  • The next digit will be a letter (A = Jan, B = Feb etc) The letter I is not used.
  • The last digit is the year, on a 10 year cycle (so 'I' could be 1971, 1981 or 1991.
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Is this British Leyland as the symbols stamps look familiar.
Odd why they've blanked the oil filler unless it was blowing off the cap. By the mess it didn't work.
956xxxxxx 101FC petrol 3528cc V8

Not sure year but if you clean the block you might see some letters and numbers to identify the cast date

  • The first one or two numbers are the date in the month it was built (1 to 31)
  • The next digit will be a letter (A = Jan, B = Feb etc) The letter I is not used.
  • The last digit is the year, on a 10 year cycle (so 'I' could be 1971, 1981 or 1991.
My guess would be '71 as the BL markings(?) wouldn't be on a '81 as LR ltd. came into being in 1978, but then the 101 FC didn't exist in '71 o_O

Either way the engine's condition would appear to place it in the 'boat anchor' category.
My tuppenceworth suggests it's circa 1974 onwards, as the earlier blocks had their engine numbers stamped behind the N/S cylinderhead on the bellhousing "hump". It's not a R/R fitment as the alloy carb inlet pipes are pointing lower behind the manifold.
The thermostat housing has the bulb for a bourdon tube temp gauge and I've only seen these on military engines like a 101 and the 8.25 CR aligns with my military theory.

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