I`ve got a much better fool proof system..

I dont put any pictures on LZ...

works for me....lol
We host all of our pictures and link to our own website.

If you have the link address then you can see the image, but that's all.

I understand the attraction of the free hosting sites, but their terms & conditions are pretty dire, same with FB.

I used to rather enjoy that facility in idle moments. Once you're at the Photobucket album you can have a look at what else people have put up. I'm not interested in the boring details of people's personal lives. I just want to see pictures of land Rovers, preferably in bits.
I`ve got a much better fool proof system..

I dont put any pictures on LZ...

works for me....lol

+1 Easye. Had a member do just that, and posted other pictures on LZ. Person thought they were either funny or cute. I didn't
I used to rather enjoy that facility in idle moments. Once you're at the Photobucket album you can have a look at what else people have put up. I'm not interested in the boring details of people's personal lives. I just want to see pictures of land Rovers, preferably in bits.

I've seen plenty of bits, not land rovers though :eek:
Google images is the same sometimes when i am looking at other landy pic's for what ever reason i sometime come across some of my old series pic's which i had lost years ago which i have posted on here and land rover uk forums :(
Some times when browsing I see a nice car or a nice view, and make the mistake of a "G" search on similar pictures.............................HOW DO YOU TURN SAFE SEARCH ON?
To be honest, James, my photobucket is largely full of pictures of my rebuild too. However, some people have lots of personal photos, family, friends, home, holidays, etc, etc. You get some wierd people who take pleasure in finding something in others personal lives to have a go at them about.

If people have inappropriate stuff on their account then they deserve whatever they get and I am in no way trying to help them.

My idea of raising this privacy issue was aimed at decent people who might just want to maintain a level of common decency in their lives. We have loads of packets of photographs, going back years. We don't set them out on a table on the front lawn for any passer by to have a look through.

I genuinely thought, and still do, that it is reasonable advice. The first few people to read it seemed to be grateful.

It seems to have been taken down anyway. :eek:

Oh, yeah. It is def useful information, I wasn't arguing with that. I was just making a joke that my life isn't that interesting :D

If I had anything other than rebuild pics on there I would def make it private.

I actually use OneDrive to share more personal pics.
Oh, yeah. It is def useful information, I wasn't arguing with that. I was just making a joke that my life isn't that interesting :D

If I had anything other than rebuild pics on there I would def make it private.

I actually use OneDrive to share more personal pics.

No worrries, James. Just me getting twitchy, worrying that folk think its helping people with inappropriate stuff :eek: No way was that the idea.

And I've read through your rebuild thread. Extremely interesting to me :D

I've never looked at OneDrive, but I should imagine all of these social media sites will take the same approach to people's privacy and safety.

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