Ken Spooner

Well-Known Member
green landing with my defender 110 yesterday and reversed into a tree (these things happen) and i am sure i heard my landy say ouch. i got out to inspect damage - small dent - but so convinced was i that i stroked the damaged part and apologised to the old girl. today when i was rolling along at a steady 60 in the morning sun i am sure the landy was singing to herself. has anyone else experienced this landy speak?
no the wheel bearings are not knackered. i am sure my landy and i were at one with the world and she was singing to me!!!!!
You find some purple mushrooms when you were off road.
mine just always sounds like bolts are loose
I swear I can hear my P38 sniggering every time I walk away from her as it plots how to empty my bank account some more...
you see frosty cab is convinced his p38 sniggers
i am sure my land smiled at me when i came home from the pub tonight
mine makes a noise like chewbacca" (punch it chewy! mrawwwwggg!! )when you put your foot down and i take that as a sign she's happy rather than acknowledge the fact that my gearbox is missing a few teeth,finish every long journey with a loving pat on the drivers wing,and "that'll do pig, that'll do."she knows i love her.:)
all machines communicate, if your sensitive to their noises and vibrations.... most people just aint sensitive ... or drown out the signals with their boom boxes
My 300's currently screaming at me under load but not revving on since it blew it's rad over the engine bay think it's either water pump or by chance the turbo
Mine doesn't speak to me, well maybe growls occassionally, but she actually inflicts pain quite a bit! I have marks to prove it!!:eek:
you may have a niche there Ken, you could be the Dr Doolittle of the land rover world.

Or you may be a sandwich short of a picnic.

Either way id go and get your self checked out first.
thanks big_ginga_beard - i was thinking about writing a phrase book for landy speak to help us all understand what our lands are saying, not the techie type one rather the one that helps us understand the thoughts and musings of our landys as we drive them
or perhaps getting myself checked out first
Sorry, but I'm with Ken on this one. TheBus definately "talks" to me on a longish run and I usually pat/stroke the centre of the steering wheel lovingly and say thanks to her for taking care of me and I always glance over my shoulder at her as I walk away.

Though, I am feeling a bit better now I've had a holiday for two weeks, so has she iinfact, she's hardly turned a wheel in two weeks, the lousy weather prevented my ususal wander up the west coast this year.

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