Ibiza Landy

Hi All. Ive parked my 110 2005 Defender at an airport and wont return for 7 weeks. Will the Immobiliser drain the battery. If so what is the procedure when I get to it and what should I do next time I need to leave it for a longish time.
A good battery will be ok for 7 weeks. Put a fully charged spare battery and a set of jump leads in the back of the vehicle if you think the main battery is getting a bit weak. Also make sure you have the EKA just in case. And have a taxi fare in yer pocket.
I'd agree that the immobiliser shouldn't discharge a good battery that quickly.
I'd suggest that you have the condition of the battery tested and replace it if it's found necessary. You might also have some other "current drain" issues going on too, which is also worth checking.
Assuming you’re landy doesn’t have a drain somewhere else. Tho yours in new so lectrics probably ok.
Thanks. Next time I need to leave it for an extended period, if I disconnect the battery, when I return and connect it again will I need the EKA number ? Thanks for sharing your knowledge
Sadly no handbook with vehicle
I recommend you get one. Some of the defenders (and I believe yours) has a battery disconnect procedure which if not followed can lead to the alarm going off and running problems when starting up after refitting the battery (some engine functions automatically reset etc). Some peeps have been on here with these problems and pulling their hair out, not realising that if you follow the handbook procedures all will be well. The Haynes manual for my model also covers these procedures.
As an alternative plan, why not get a good friend to drop you off at the airport, drive your landy a couple of times a week and pick you up when you return. Save a few euros on car parking fees. And your friend would get to drive a better class of prestige vehicle for a few weeks :D. And DO get the EKA code, you might need it one day. You will also need to know how to apply it - handbook again.
The other alternative is to get one of the small plug in solar panels and connect it to your battery. Leave the panel on the dash and try to face the vehicle to the south when you park up. If you use the fag lighter version make sure the fag lighter is powered when the ignition is off otherwise it won't top the battery up (some are ignition switched). In that case you need to connect the panel crock clips to the battery terminals or a good earth and permanent +12v supply.
This may need to happen although I’m not sure such a friendship is possible. Drive my Farrari yes but my defender mmmn not to comfortable with that.
Could you find someone with suitable safe parking int stead. Get them to put it on tick over for 5 mins each week
Ive got parking at the airport which is fantastically handy. I’d like to work with what I’ve got. Best scenario is working out how to disconnect the -ve from the battery and not have any trouble when some months later I connect it back.
Ive got parking at the airport which is fantastically handy. I’d like to work with what I’ve got. Best scenario is working out how to disconnect the -ve from the battery and not have any trouble when some months later I connect it back.
Best way would be the solar panel method. Disconnecting the battery means that you have no alarm while away, it also means that the Battery Back Up Sounder (BBUS) will probably go flat if it doesn't have its trickle charge (that is assuming your alarm has one). The issue with the BBUS is that the batteries will be getting old now and may not accept a charge if they are allowed to go flat for a long period of time. I tried to replace the ones in mine and it isn't possible as they are sealed in a potting resin within the sounder
Great idea. I park in the open but under a tin roof. I’ll google to see if they’ll work with just light not direct sun. Any idea of a good make that I’d buy? Thank you

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