Gord Wedman

Well-Known Member
So I have decided to upgrade from P38 to LR3. I managed to find a very clean 2008 with premium leather, premium sound and the cold climate package. Everything seems to work fine and I am generally pleased except for one thing: the fob is dead. I am annoyed that the used car dealer did not make this clear to me when I bought the car, I went to an LR dealership today and they told me the only thing they could do was sell me 2 new fobs for $2,000 plus programing, Who were the idiots at Land Rover in 2002 that thought it would be fine to provide a fob where the batteries cannot be easily changed? My P38 has a replaceable battery but some dolt decided it would be better if the "improved" cars did not have this capability.

I have a 2008 full size RR which has the same style of key. I seem to recall that I opened it up and replaced the coin battery. I think I used a hacksaw on the edges and then pryed it apart.

Can someone confirm that I can pry open the LR3 key and replace the battery? Thanks
Silly me, I forgot to check YouTube. There are half a dozen videos on the subject although I don't approve of some of their destructive methods.
Silly me, I forgot to check YouTube. There are half a dozen videos on the subject although I don't approve of some of their destructive methods.

Iirc the d3 charges the fob batteries all the time the keys are in the ignition?
Not changed mine in over 8 years, they could be one of the most reliable parts of the car!
You will probably find the battery is not the cause of the faulty fob so unfortunately, you will be left with the expensive task of getting a new one.

I used a company about two years ago replaced battery and case and returned in 48 hrs all working but is about £100 if i remember correct
The electronics are rugged, but the battery can become detached from the circuit board, but it's easily re-soldered by someone who's competent with a soldering iron.
I have ordered a Panasonic brand battery with solder terminals. Will arrive next Saturday and I will give it a go. My P38 fob works fine even though I have run it through the wash twice so I don't see why this one will not work after getting a new battery. The fob with my 2008 RRSC still works by the way.
It is well known that these coin cell lithium batteries only last about 10 years before they will no longer recharge.
Got the battery today, a Panasonic VL 2330. Used a thin abrasive wheel in a Dremel to cut around the case and pried it apart. Battery inside was the same Panasonic. Used some de-soldering wick to remove the battery. Checked out good at 3.3 volts. I noticed that the smaller pin on the bottom of the battery was broken off. I did see something soldered on the circuit board so I am wondering if the pin was broken and just the stub was in the board. Very odd as the battery cannot move around in it's holder. In any case, I put in the new battery with some effort getting the bottom pin to line up and the fob now works fine. Even managed to get the case back together so that the key flicks out. A good hours work

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